Skandaali - Pesäst pesään (From Bush to Bush)

The song title has a double meaning that doesn't translate properly: "pesä" actually means "nest", but can also mean "a vagina" in slang. I decided to go with "bush" since that can also mean "a vagina", and has a double meaning.

Original Finnish lyrics

eka baaris tsekkaan daamit sit voin vaa istuu hiljaa,

mä tiputan ne mikkii tääl en tarvii iskulinjaa,

tsigut sippaa drinksui tsiigaa ja sit pikkuhiljaa,

itse tunnot kohoo ja ne alkaa liikkuu kilpaa,

mun pöytää kohti ja taas mut löytää moni,

joka haluu meille *sopii* jos mä löydän kotii,

sä et pääse mukaa *sori* mut älä ota nokkiis,

koht o uus päivä uudet kujeet ja uus stondis,

tilaisuus tekee pukin ja vaik kumi menee puhki,

huhkin sus kii tunnin sit tungen etees purki,

ota yks wc:s kulti sit tee ees munii,

sul on kiire nii mulki mut kyl sä kerkeet duunii,

oon niin paljo asioita mut en yksavioinen,

on niin paljo naisii joita mä yks kaks himoitsen,

tätä ei voi kontrolloida tärkeint o mont hoidan,

ja et saan jotenki durexin mua sponsoroimaan


jos haluut mennä lepää ni hei en mä estä,

"voitasko seurustella?" en mä vielä, ei tää kestä,

heti herätessä susta tehää exä,

sen jälkee mä lennän taas pesästä pesää,

jos haluut mennä lepää ni hei en mä estä,

"ehkä pelkäät sitoutua?" en mä tiedä ei pää kestä,

heti herätessä susta tehää exä,

sen jälkee mä lennän taas pesästä pesää

en oo yhen naisen äijä mä nään yhtä naista päivän,

kaikki yhtäaikaa väittää et saat hyvän paika häistä,

mä tykkään painaa släppiä saa kybäl aina väistää,

sama montaks tytärt jätän mul o yhtälailla näitä,

"sä oot sika!" entä sitte? sä oot kimma "entä sitte!?",

"sul on pääs vikaa!" entä sitte en mä itke,

pistä poikki ni sitä ei tarvii tehä ite,

"vedä kätee" mun ei tarvii vedä ite!,

mä rakastan sua mut mä rakastan muit kans,

ku aina samant muijat käy kamalan kuivaks,

varmaa vanhana sluibaa vanhain kodist tavaraa ruinaa,

salaa tallinnaa mun rapalaa uittaa,

pääs puristaa mu henkinen erektiorengas,

jos ei pysty venaa on se tehty enneki jo penkas,

vessas, partsil ja puiston penkil,

en oo ylpee siit roskiksest mut muisto seki


mielummi nuorempi ku vanhempi, tummempi ku vaaleempi,

tuhmempi ku arempi eikä rumempi ku sen kaveri,

uudempi ku mun partnerit kuumempi ja halvempi,

"entä isot tissit?" noh mä hoidan muutenki mut sen parempi,

ulkokuori painaa ja sisältöki menee,

sä saat valita hoitsun tai sisäkönki releet,

en haluu sitoutua mut sitomisest digaan,

nuolen joka naisen yhen kerran kiitolliseen tilaan,

ensin katseet ja pelit et saan kelaa hetkisen,

ootko niin ruma et taksii saat venaa eriksee,

pois vaatteet ja vetimet saatetaa se inee,

sit lasketaa eritteet ja kasvetaa erillee,

noi on säännöt pelille jota harva osaa pelaa,

valtaosa kelaa et jos oot varma osaat pelaa,

luksusmuijat itkee tai sit karvatoosat pelaa

tai lahna joka relaa älä koskaa ala pelaa!


English translation

First in the bar I check the chicks then I can just sit quietly

I drop them in the mic here, don't need no punchline (note: get it? cause he's hitting on them)

Chicks dip drinks check and then slowly

Self esteems rise and they race to move

Towards my table and again, a lot find me

Who want to come to my place *sure* if I can find my way there

You can't come *sorry* but don't get upset

Soon it's new day new tricks and a new boner

Opportunity makes a stud and even if the rubber breaks *

I sweat on you an hour then shove a bottle in your face

Take one in the wc hun and then cook some eggs

You're in a rush, so am I, but you'll make it to work on time

I'm so many things but not monogamous

There are so many women I lust after all of a sudden

This cannot be controlled, most important thing is I handle many

And to somehow get Durex to sponsor me


If you want to go and rest, hey, I'm not stopping you

"Could we start dating?" I don't want to yet, this won't last

Right away when we wake up, I make you my ex

After that I fly again from bush to bush

If you want to go and rest, hey, I'm not stopping you

"Maybe you're afraid of commitment?" I don't know, my head can't take this

Right away when we wake up, I make you my ex

After that I fly again from bush to bush

I'm not a man of one woman, I see one woman for a day

All, at the same time, claiming you get a good place at the wedding

I like getting it on, you get to dodge a ton of slaps

Don't care how many daughters I leave, I got plenty

"You're a pig!" So what? You're a chick "So what!?"

"You're not right in the head!" So what, I won't weep

Break up with me so I don't have to do it

"Go fuck yourself" I don't have to, you go do that!

I love you but I love others as well

Cause always getting it from the same chick gets so dry

Surely it's lame being old, tryna beg the box in an old folk's home **

Go to Tallinn in secret to dip my rod ***

My mental cock ring is squeezing my head

If I cannot wait, it's not the first time I've done it on a mound,

in a bathroom, balcony and a park bench,

I'm not proud of that dumpster, but that's a memory


Rather younger than older, darker than lighter,

naughtier than more timid and not uglier than her friend,

newer than my partners, hotter and cheaper,

"what about big boobs?" well, I'll do her anyway, but that's even better,

looks matter and what's inside is fine,

you get to choose the clothes of a nurse or a maid

I don't want to be tied down, but I'm into bondage

I lick every woman once into a grateful state

first glances and games so I can think about it for a moment,

whether you're so ugly you have to wait for a separate taxi

Get the clothes and attire off and lets get it in

Then lay our secretions and grow apart

Those are the rules for the game a few can play

Most people think that if you're self-assured you got game

Luxury chicks cry or the hairy bits work

or a bream relaxing, don't ever start to play! ****



* the original idiom is "opportunity makes a thief" = if there's a chance to steal something someone wants without getting caught, they're more likely to do it

** Trying to convince the elderly women to sleep with you. The slang word he used for the vagina was "tavara", which translates to "stuff". It's about the context to know he's talking about vaginas.

*** "to dip/float my Rapala" - Rapala is a company that makes fishing equipment. Hiring a prostitute is way cheaper in the ex-Soviet country Estonia than in Finland, that's been growing it's own economy since gaining independence in 1917.

**** "A bream" does mean that certain kind of fish, but it's also a slang word for someone who just lays there during sex, not participating.


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