Ezkimo - Bla Bla Bla
RIP Ezkimo aka Mikko Sammeli Mutenia (1980-2015).
Original Finnish lyrics
"Moi, se on Ilkka Seiskast.
Kysysin vaan siit tosiseikast
Ku olit hakannu akkas niin et silt peruuntu mallikeikat
Onks tää sulle ihan tuttuu? Onks sattunu ennenki?
Voit puhuu tai olla puhumat, juttuu tulee kuitenki."
Ihme spedet jaksaa ahdistella, soitella
Ku tuli vihjet, ja vähän tiedustella
Olinks mä siel? Minne mä menin?
Olinks mä bileissä Kemis?
Heiluin alasti hotellis? Olin damissa bordellis?
Ja skideille jotka tonne paskaa koodaa jaksaa
Soittakaa mulle nii voin viikkorahaa alkaa maksaa
Ja pikkuräppärit jaksaa vaan valittaa aina
"Ezkimo ei osaa rhaimaa" ja muuta shaibaa
Vaikka kaikki tajuu et oikeesti mieltäs painaa
Vaan se et kukaan ei tuu sua koskaan sainaa
Ei voi vakavasti ottaa, voi vaa nauraa
Jauhakaa vaa rauhas koska Eezau sanoo vaa et
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Kai sä tajuut että mä sanon vaan et
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Kaikki ketkä tajuu sanoo vaa et
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Kai sä tajuut että mä sanon vaan et
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Kaikki ketkä tajuu sanoo vaa et
Ja oot varmaa kuullu kaupungilla juoruu
Kusi noussu päähän nii et korvist ulos kuohuu
Ku sillon kerran istuin nurkkapöydäs ihan naamat
Eikä kiinnostanu mitä joku tuntematon paasaa
Ai olinks mä niin sekasin ku tein sen etnisen?
Hetkinen, entisen.. vaahtoot ku epileptinen!
Ja oot vähän skeptinen suhteen mun tekstien
En oo tarpeeks tekninen, vähän liian hektinen
"Ehän vedä kamaa, ei, enkä jaksas nyt jutella.
Joo ihan sama ku en jaksas nyt kuunnella.
Levy tulee joskus joo, mut voisit sä ny siirtyy siitä?
Levyy tulee heti joo jos et lähe nyt jo kiitää!"
"No moi, se on Ile taas tässä
Olit ollu lauantaina vähän bilettämässä?
Ja oliks sellanen nyt sitte asian laita
Et olit uhkaillu siel syyttä muita asiakkaita?"
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Kai sä tajuut että mä sanon vaan et
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Kaikki ketkä tajuu sanoo vaa et
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Kai sä tajuut että mä sanon vaan et
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Kaikki ketkä tajuu sanoo vaa et
Ihan sama mitä jauhat
E vaa nauraa maitopartaa
Sul ei oo taitoo dusaa musaa
Tai skabaa munkaa missää muuskaa
Sä tiput taas puusta ja tunget pääs puskaa
Kun mä alan bustaa mun ei tarvi ees rustaa
Nyt riittii, no ei, lisää settii sitteki
Ois ollu iisii jäädä jauhaa nettiin itekki
"Se on sitä, se on tätä, se on tota, joo" C´mon!
Ens kerran ku avaudut kaikki tietää mitä sanoo
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Kai sä tajuut että mä sanon vaan et
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Kaikki ketkä tajuu sanoo vaa et
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Kai sä tajuut että mä sanon vaan et
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Blaa, bla bla bla...
English translation
"Hi, it's Ilkka from Seiska. *
I'd just like to ask about the fact
When you beat your missus so bad she had to cancel her modeling gigs
Does this sound familiar to you? Has it happened before?
You can talk or not talk, I'm gonna write the story anyway."
Weird ass clowns got the energy to harass, to call
When they get a hint, and to inquire a little
Was I there? Where did I go?
Was I in a party in Kemi?
Was I naked in a hotel? Was I in a brothel in Amsterdam?
And to kids who type that shit there
Call me, I can start paying you an allowance
And little rappers are always complaining
"Ezkimo cannot rhyme" and other shit
Even though everyone knows what's actually bothering you
Is that no one will ever sign you
Can't take it seriously, can only laught
Keep jabbering, cause Eezau will just say
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
You must realize I'll only say
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Everyone who gets it, just say
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
You must realize I'll only say
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Everyone who gets it, just say
And you've probably heard the rumor 'round town
That I'm so full of myself it's foaming out my ears
Like that one time when I was sitting in the corner table all drunk
And wasn't interested in what some random was ranting
Oh, was I messed up when I made Ethnical?
No, wait, Ex... you're foaming like you're epileptic! **
And you're a little skeptical about my texts
I'm not technical enough, I'm a bit too hectic
"I don't do drugs, no, and I don't wanna talk now.
Yeah I don't care, I don't wanna listen right now.
The album will come out at some point, yeah, could you just move away now?
You'll get some right now if you don't dash right about now!"
"Well hi, it's Ilkka here again
I heard you were partying on Saturday?
And was it so
That you threatened the other customers there, for nothing?"
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
You must realize I'll only say
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Everyone who gets it, just say
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
You must realize I'll only say
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Everyone who gets it, just say
I don't care what you jabber
E just laughing at the peachfuzz
You ain't got skills to make music
Or to compete with me in anything else, either
You're falling off a tree again and sticking your head in a bush ***
When I start boastin I don't even gotta write
That's enough, well no, lets get more set
Woulda been easy for me to stay online and jabber as well
"He's that, he's this, he's those, yeah" C'mon!
Next time you open up everyone knows what to say
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
You must realize I'll only say
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Everyone who gets it, just say
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
You must realize I'll only say
Blaa, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaa!
Blaa, bla bla bla...
* Seiska aka 7Päivää is a trashy gossip magazine.
** Entinen ("Ex") is another song by Ezkimo. "Entinen" and "etninen" kinda sound the same, just switch two letters - which would happen easily if one was drunk, like Ezkimo said he was at the scene.
*** "Joka kuuseen kurkottaa, se katajaan kapsahtaa" is an idiom, lit. "One reaching for the spruce will fall into the juniper." Spruces are very tall trees, and the junipers that grow in Finland are very short (look more like bushes, but they're technically trees). The meaning of the idiom is that if you try to reach too high (if your goals are too ambitious) you're just gonna fall (fail). And "sticking one's head in a bush" is a similar idiom to the English "sticking one's head in the sand". I wanted to keep the "bush" because that makes the bar more visual - someone falling from a tree, to the ground, their head in a bush. In the figurative sense, he's expressing that anyone who tries to be a better rapper than him is too ambitious with their goals, will fail and be scared of him.
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