Don Huonot - Hermoraunio (Basket Case)

Original Finnish lyrics

joku istutti sinuun taimen myrkytetyn hernepensaan
nyt pavunvartta kapuat ylös
kohti ylös
kohti kuolevien kitaroiden kakofoniaa
joku ujutti keskushermostoosi toveri mikrobistevarin
nyt se aivokuortasi viipaloi - saksii skinistä hevarin
hinkuu vinkuu aivotrustin
holisoitunut mieslaulajien kööri:

lepakoita tapulissa, leipäauto hakee naapurin kakee (hermoraunio)
aivolohkojen ulosottomies ovellesi koputtaa (hermoraunio)
patit patissa kasvaa, pannu kiehuu (hermoraunio)
takapihan lippu puolitangossa liehuu (hermoraunio)
suksi luistaa mutta ladulta suistaa hermoraunion (hermoraunio)

joku ujutti keskushermostoosi toveri mikrobistevarin
nyt se aivokuortasi parturoi - duunii skinistä hevarin
hinkuu vinkuu aivotrustin
holisoitunut mieslaulajien kööri:

hermoratojen rusettiluistelutapahtumassa sun pää on jää
jonka päällä latvaroso korohoro etsii sokasta vetäjää
No, vetäjän löytää, kaivaa navastaan ruutinöyhtää
ja avannon jäähän röyhtää
korohoron poro rollin joulupukin saa
lahjat pukkaa tuohon rööriin
yhtyy lastenkodin kuoro itkurööriin:

lepakoita tapulissa, leipäauto hakee naapurin kakee (hermoraunio)
aivolohkojen ulosottomies ovellesi koputtaa (hermoraunio)
patit patissa kasvaa, pannu kiehuu (hermoraunio)
takapihan lippu puolitangossa liehuu (hermoraunio)
suksi luistaa mutta ladulta suistaa hermoraunion (hermoraunio)

English translation

someone planted a seedling of a poisoned pea bush in you
now you climb up the beanstalk
towards, up
towards the cacophony of dying guitars
someone stuck in your central nervous system comrade microbe tagger
now it's slicing up your cerebral cortex - cuts a skinhead into a metalhead
hankers, whines the (alco)holic male singer choir
of the brain trust:
bats in the belfry, a bread truck picking up Dave next door (a basket case)
the distrainor of brain lobes knock on your door (a basket case)
lumps growing on lumps, the kettle whistles (a basket case)
the flag on the backyard is halfway up (a basket case) *
the skis are slipping but they derail a basket case (a basket case) **

someone stuck in your central nervous system comrade microbe tagger
now it's slicing up your cerebral cortex - working a skinhead into a metalhead
hankers, whines the (alco)holic male singer choir
of the brain trust:

in the bow skating event of the neural pathways your head is the ice ***
on which the koro whore who's got a rotten treetop is looking for someone to pull her cotter pin ****
well, she finds a puller, digging gunpowder fluff from their bellybutton
and burping a hole in the ice
the koro whore's reindeer gets the Santa's gossip
pushes the presents into that pipe
joins the weeping choir of the children's home:

bats in the belfry, a bread truck picking up Dave next door (a basket case)
the distrainor of brain lobes knock on your door (a basket case)
lumps growing on lumps, the kettle whistles (a basket case)
the flag on the backyard is halfway up (a basket case)
the skis are slipping but they derail a basket case (a basket case)


* The Finnish flag is flown halfway on the pole to indicate that someone who lived in that house/building has died. Sometimes this is also done nationwide to honor a massive loss on the national or global scale, like after hurricane Katrina.

** A common expression: When "the skis are slipping" it means things are going smoothly, they're going well.

*** Bow skating is a simple children's game played on ice, where each kid is given a bow with a certain number of it, and there's two of each number on the bows. Then the kids skate around the rink, trying to find the one who has the same number as they do. When they do, they hold hands and skate around the rink together until everyone has found their pair. The game can also be played by adults as a sort of match making game.

"have a rotten treetop" means you're crazy


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