Julma-Henri & Syrjäytyneet - 240306

Original Finnish lyrics

[Verse 1: Julma-Henri]
Kuun alku, rahat meni jo
Uus alku, mut juna meni jo
Unohdin et teot puhuu kovempaa ku sanat
Sä näet jäljet ja päättelet loput
Ethän sä kuule mun ajatuksia, huora
Mä en haluu sun turkkia tai masseja
Mä haluun töitä, pöytä täynnä laskuja,
Vitonen taskussa
Mulla ois kämppä, mut ei rahaa takuuvuokraan
Ja kuka luottotiedottomaan luottaa
Mut ei saa valittaa, Afrikassa on pahemmin
Pitää olla vahvempi
Ryöstää ryöstetyn, raiskaa rahan nimissä
On olemassa vaan lasku, ei ihmistä
Syömättä puol vuotta silti ne ei riitä
Valvon öitä, elätän perinnän verenimijöitä

[Chorus: Julma Henri]
Et saa korttii sulla on rikosrekisteri
Kuse purkkiin sulla on rikosrekisteri
Sä et voi tulla sulla on rikosrekisteri

Hei, onks sulla rikosrekisteri?
Jos on niin sulla on rikosrekisteri
Hei, kaveri sulla on rikosrekisteri!

[Verse 2: Julma-Henri]
Pojat, onhan teillä rikosrekisterit?
Muuten teillä ei oo mitään vitun asiaa tänne
Jos sä putoat, se on isä, äiti, frendit, sisko
Jos ei niitä oo nii
Ei sua kukaan muukaan sieltä kisko
Mun ei oo tarkotus huijata
Mä vaan leikkaan vähän tästä kulmasta
Sossua ei kiinnosta mun menot, ainoastaan mun tulot,
Laina ei ole selitys, ainoastaan selitys
Joka päivä joutuu korottaan ääntään, säätään, vääntään,
Kääntää, häslää, kunnes hajoo pääpääpääpää
Voiko näillä vitun korteilla edes voittaa?
En tiiä, samahan se on vielä koittaa
Pakko heittää propsit tähän väliin pankkiryöstäjille
Kaikille elämässä roikkuville:
Älä päästä irti, kaikki hyvät on köyhiä, sille sille!

Et saa korttii sulla on rikosrekisteri
Kuse purkkiin sulla on rikosrekisteri
Sä et voi tulla sulla on rikosrekisteri

Hei, onks sulla rikosrekisteri?
Jos on niin sulla on rikosrekisteri
Hei, kaveri sulla on rikosrekisteri!

[Verse 3: Asa]
Pojat jää rikosrekisteriin sätimee
Soita sinivuokolle, ku puhelin rätisee
Sijoita 100 ekii tietoon meidän välisee,
Paha poliisi kattoo koneelta mun käsittee
Seuraa, kuuntele, valtammepitäjii
Hioo 10 vuotta alibeit vedenpitävii
Ja piissin tekijä venaa yhes ansioo
Yhen hengen huoneen fepsien kansioo
Ku koko supo-suomen deekkareita
Revitys peinttareita, deekut on streittareita
Kasvo kellareis, mylly verrareis
Marakatti seläs reissaa reppareis
Miks me joudutaan tuskis viruu?
Oksennust, pirii ja pari mikrosiruu
Nälkäsil punkeil, munkkei ilosii
Mitä ystävist ku on verivihollisii

Et saa korttii sulla on rikosrekisteri
Kuse purkkiin sulla on rikosrekisteri
Sä et voi tulla sulla on rikosrekisteri

Hei, onks sulla rikosrekisteri?
Jos on niin sulla on rikosrekisteri
Hei, kaveri sulla on rikosrekisteri!

English Translation

[Verse 1: Julma-Henri]
Beginning of month, money's gone already
New beginning, but the train's gone already note: similar expression to "that ship has sailed")
I forgot that actions speak louder than words
You see the marks and figure the rest
You cannot hear my thoughts, whore
I don't want your fur or cash
I want a job, table full of bills
Fiver in pocket
I'd have a flat but no money for the rent deposit
And who'll trust one without credit
But one musn't complain, things are worse in Africa
Gotta be stronger
Robs the robbed one, rapes in the name of money
There's only the bill, not the person
Not eating for half a year, still they ain't enough
I stay up nights, I foster the bloodsuckers of debt collection

[Chorus: Julma Henri]
You can't have a card, you have a criminal record
Pee in the cup, you have a criminal record
You can't come, you have a criminal record
Criminal fuckin record

Hey, do you have a criminal record?
If you do, then you have a criminal record
Hey, buddy, you have a criminal record!
Criminal fuckin record

[Verse 2: Julma-Henri]
Boys, you have criminal records, right?
Otherwise you got no fuckin business being here
If ya fall, it's dad, mom, friends, sister
If ya ain't got 'em
No one else'll pull you up from there
I don't mean to fool you
I'll just cut this corner a little bit
Social security office doesn't care about my expenses, only my income
Loan ain't an excuse, only an excuse
Every day gotta raise one's voice, adjust, twist
Turn, hussle, until your headheadheadhead breaks (note: he repeats the word "pää"="head" to accentuate the internal rhyme scheme)
Can you even win with these fuckin cards?
I dunno, but I might as well try again
Gotta chime in and show some respect to bank robbers
Everyone hanging onto life:
Do not let go, all the good guys are poor, drink to that

You can't have a card, you have a criminal record
Pee in the cup, you have a criminal record
You can't come, you have a criminal record
Criminal fuckin record

Hey, do you have a criminal record?
If you do, then you have a criminal record
Hey, buddy, you have a criminal record!
Criminal fuckin record

[Verse 3: Asa]
Boys gettin caught on criminal record
Call boys in blue when ya phone crackles (lit. "hepatica", a certain species of flower that's blue, both this and "boys in blue" mean 'the police')
Invest 100 bucks in info between us
Bad cop looks up my concept/definition on the computer
Follow, listen our establishment
Buffin out the alibis for 10 years
And the songmaker is waitin for their pay
Gettin a one person room in the FPS' file *
Like all the drunkdents of Supo-Suomi **
Revving the taggers, drunkards are straight-edge
A face in the cellars, a mill in Ferraris
A guenon on the back, travelin piggyback
Why do we have to languish in anguish?
Vomit, bams and a couple micro chips (note: bams = amphetamine)
Hungry ticks got happy monks / got surprisingly good luck
What about friends when you got mortal enemies

You can't have a card, you have a criminal record
Pee in the cup, you have a criminal record
You can't come, you have a criminal record
Criminal fuckin record

Hey, do you have a criminal record?
If you do, then you have a criminal record
Hey, buddy, you have a criminal record!
Criminal fuckin record


* FPS Security was a Finnish security company. They still exist as a part of another company, Avarn. The Finnish Wikipedia article mentions that they were very eager to clean off and stop people from making graffities (which are illegal in Finland). There have also been a couple incidents where their guards were accused of using excessive force.

** Deeku, drunkard + teekkari, a tech student = deekkari, a drunkdent. I just made that up, the English word.
Suomi = Finland
Supisuomalainen = completely Finnish
Supo = Suojelupoliisi, The Finnish Security and Intelligence Service

Just a general note, that most of the time, I have no idea what Asa is saying. He uses A LOT of Helsinki slang in his lyrics, and metaphors and word play, and I can't keep up. I just do my best to give anyone reading these all the information I get out of his lyrics.


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