Jontti & Shaka - Kolmatta linjaa (Along Third Lane)

The chorus is a sample from Fredi's Kolmatta linjaa takaisin (lyrics by Juha Vainio), which is a translation from Tony Hatch's and Jackie Trent's song Beautiful in the Rain, performed by Petula Clark. Both versions came out in 1968.

The Finnish title refers to a street called Kolmas linja in Helsinki, Finland. I translated it to Third Lane, even though it actually means Third Route or Third Line.


Original Finnish lyrics

[Verse 1: Shaka]

Kolmas päivä radalla dallaa bäkkii kolmat linjaa

Meno riistäyty käsist, kun ne laski viinan hintaa

Vähemmänki viisaat tinttaa viisasten juomaa

Brenkkupiru vakuuttaa jokaisen epäilevän Tuomaan

Muutanko suuntaa vai luotanko viinaan?

Herrat siirtää hyvää tahtii tuotantoo Kiinaan

Rahahuolii joo, mut en oo myymäs mun ruumist

Vuokraamas firman kautta itteeni, vitut duunist

Pukkaan vaan suullist Jihadii tähän kohtaan Stadii

Mis fränkit ja värkit on likasii

Sähköboksit kliinei ja suhteet pikasii

Joka jannu PA, mut meil on reput tilavii

Jengi piritoril sumplii avoimesti diilei

Äijät vetää pahoi viinei, Shaka miettii riimei

Matkal näköalamestaan nään kuumottavii enteit

Haamui eli flipanneita nipahtaneit frendei

Hesaril vetää peräkanaa kolme pönttöö

Denat ottaa matsii panoksen rönötönttö

Seuraan traagist farssii liven Kolmest Kaisasta

Raflat on auki eli ei oo liian aikasta


Mä Kolmatta linjaa takaisin kuljen kerran

Ja rahaa on, takaan sen

Mä Kolmatta linjaa takaisin kuljen kerran

Ja rahaa on, takaan sen

[Verse 2: Jontti]

Pohjasakan väenkokous Tokal linjalla

Virastorundin aika, se käy urheilusta

Sossuluukul on ryysis ja palvelusta pulaa

Joten tuubil takas Sörkkään, klubin matsi alkaa

Alennusmäyris messiin, kallis se ei oo

Kädest suuhun on se tyyli, taskuun jää vaan pari ropoo

Joku on saanu pataan, huorat on mönkiny koloistaa

Paljon ei oo muuttunu ainakaa niist ajoista

Kun vedätin hiessä Vasiksella Sampsan kämpille

Dänkit fikassa ettei ne päätyis jollekki hullulle

Rappiotaitees oli romantiikkaa, idolit oli kakoja

Veti pataan, poisti sälberit aina taateleissa

Nyt idolit vedättää kartsal, käynti ku Klonkul

Meininki freesi niinku puutarhatontul

Mut et sä oo mulle nipa vaan frendi jol on huumeongelma

Kunnes toisin todistetaan kuten usein on tapana


Mä Kolmatta linjaa takaisin kuljen kerran

Ja rahaa on, takaan sen

Mä Kolmatta linjaa takaisin kuljen kerran

Ja rahaa on, takaan sen

[Verse 3: Shaka & Jontti]

Poikii viedään illal tsirralla Tokal linjalla

Skidis kuosis, mut pyrin pysymään ninjana

Projektei auki, ei oo aikaa olla kiinni

Siis pidän silmät auki, liikun hiljaa ku hiiri

Böölen piiril pitenee lonkerot

Katu muute autio, ohi lipuu Mondeo

Mut lainsuojaton on huomaamaton

Tai sika niin saamaton et on vaaraton

Janojuomaa voi sluibaa ilmanki rahaa

Kassaneiti on sokee, stevari on tyhmä ku saapas

Ja hiessä, toril bostaa epämääräst sakkii

Messis putkikassi ja värkki, sorsa ja rassi

Sivarislurkit yyteröi populaa etäältä

Ykskään niist ei vaikuta kovin terävältä

Humalainen herrasmies trokaa rouheloita

Ollu raffi yö, se paistaa kasvoilta


Mä Kolmatta linjaa takaisin kuljen kerran

Ja rahaa on, takaan sen

Mä Kolmatta linjaa takaisin kuljen kerran

Ja rahaa on, takaan sen

Mä Kolmatta linjaa takaisin kuljen kerran

Ja rahaa on, takaan sen

Mä Kolmatta linjaa takaisin kuljen kerran

Ja rahaa on, takaan sen

English translation

[Verse 1: Shaka]

Third day on a drinking spree, walkin back along Third Lane

Stuff got outta hand, when they dropped the prize of booze

Even the less wise drink the "drink of the wise" (=alcohol)

The spirit devil convinces every doubting Thomas *

Do I change my course or trust booze?

Top men in good speed moving production to China

Got money worries, yeah, but I'm not sellin my body

Rentin myself through a company, fuck work

I'm just pushin a verbal Jihad in this part of Helsinki

Where drunkards and gadgets/genitalia are dirty

Electric boxes are clean and relationships short

Every kid's broke, but our backpacks are spacious

People on bam market square fixin deals out in the open

Dudes chuggin bad wine, Shaka ponderin rhymes

On my way to the sightseeing place I feel the heat of the omens

Ghosts aka addict friends flippin

On Helsinginkatu three blockheads goin in a row

Drunkards competin for a bottle of Lasol (=windshield washer fluid, contains methanol, which makes you drunk like ethanol, the alcohol people usually drink, but is much deadlier - some alcoholics still drink it because it's much cheaper)

I follow the tragic farce from Kolme Kaisaa (note: Kolme Kaisaa is a bar in Helsinki)

Restaurants are open so it's not too early


I travel along Third Lane this one time

And I got money, I guarantee that

I travel along Third Lane this one time

And I got money, I guarantee that

[Verse 2: Jontti]

Scum gathering on Second Lane

Time for bureau round, gettin a workout

Social services overcrowdin and a lack of service

So takin the tube back to Sörnäinen, the club match's beginning

Take a discount "dachshund" with, it's not expensive (note: a twelve pack of beer bottles is called a "mäyräkoira", "mäyris" = "a dachshund")

Hand to mouth is the style, just a couple of coins left in pocket

Someone got beat up, whores crawled outta their holes

Not a lot has changed since those times

When I ran sweaty along Vaasankatu to Sampsa's flat

Hash in pocket so a crazy person can't get to it

Decadence art was romantic, idols were crazy

Beat up, took the cash any time he was partyin'

Now idols goin on the street like Gollum

Vibe fresh like a garden gnome's

But to me you ain't a junkie, you're a friend with a drug problem

Until proven otherwise, like usually


I travel along Third Lane this one time

And I got money, I guarantee that

I travel along Third Lane this one time

And I got money, I guarantee that

[Verse 3: Shaka & Jontti]

Boys in albulance at night on Second Lane

A bit tipsy but I strive to stay a ninja

Open projects, no time to be committed (lit. "no time to be closed/attached", "kiinni" means both)

So I keep my eyes open, moving quietly like a mouse

Pasila gang's long drinks gettin longer

Street otherwise desolate, Mondeo glides by

But an outlaw is unnoticeable

Or a pig so incapable it's harmless

One can skimp thirst drinks without money

The cashier lady is blind, a painter is dumb as a boot

And sweaty, shady people boastin at the market square

With 'em a tube bag and a thing, a duck and a pipe cleaner **

Civil police managing people from afar

Not a single one seem that sharp

A drunken gentleman is dealin meth

Been a rough night, you can see it on his face


I travel along Third Lane this one time

And I got money, I guarantee that

I travel along Third Lane this one time

And I got money, I guarantee that

I travel along Third Lane this one time

And I got money, I guarantee that

I travel along Third Lane this one time

And I got money, I guarantee that


* The "viinapiru" = "spirit devil" is a pretty common idiom in the Finnish language. It refers to alcohol as an addictive substance and to DT, delirium tremens (the withdrawal symptoms of excessive alcohol use, which can include hallucinations).

** "the duck" can literally be a duck, but it's apparently also a slang word for a girl (similarly to "chick", I presume) and an army slang word for a camo print cap. It has so many possible meanings I just translated it directly.


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