Paleface • Helsinki - Shangri-La

Original Finnish lyrics

Kun hyvinvointivaltiota Helsingissä luodaan
Julkisivuduunarit ne Tallinnasta tuodaan
Hurahuhhahhei, mistä halvimmalla saadaan
Sillä niin me tehdään Helsingistä Shangri-La

Hävitetään Lepakot ja muutkin parasiitit
Eduskuntatalon eessä roihuu makasiinit
Halleluijahhei, huutaa nollatoleranssi
Juhlii vartiointiliikkeet ynnä FPS

Yhteiskunnan yllä liehuu taantumuksen viiri
Turvakameroilla luodaan pelon ilmapiiri
Hurahuhhahhei, holhoava esivalta
Putkaan tarranliimajat ja talonvaltaajat

Miksi kaikki tuntee Johanna "maatalous" Tukiaisen
Niin kuin kolmen sepän kodittoman romanialaisen
Halleluijahhei, turhuuksien roviolle
Se on seiskapäivä, idols ynnä MTV

Pissiksillä luottokortit, valtavasti lainaa
Unholaan on vaipunut jo Veikko Hursti vainaa
Hurahuhhahhei, heitä pois ja osta uusi
Visa, pikavippi, karhukirje, maksuhäiriö

Ja keväisin ne kodittomat sulatellaan jäästä
Katkokävelylle mutta katkolle ei päästä
Halleluijahhei, Suomen päihdepolitiikka
Pamit, pervitiini, subutex ja sunnuntai

Kurtze ynnä Puonti sekä Pynnönen ja Piippo
Juolahtaakin mieleen Lahti, hemohes ja hiihto
Hurahuhhahhei, vinkki miehen viskipullo
Se on valeosto, vasikka ja KRP

Maamme maahanmuuttopolitiikka kusee omaan nilkkaan
Jos Timo Soinin traumat takaa äänestyksen vilkkaan
Hurahuhhahhei, oikeistopopulistit
Halme, Halla-Aho, Jörg Haider, Ku Klux Klan

Sekos ADHD-instituutin aivosähköposti
Kun Pekka-Eric Auvinen kakskakkosensa osti
Hurahuhhahhei, Holmlundin haulikoille
Lahtas Kauhajoen Matti toistakymmentä

Kun hyvinvointivaltiota Helsingissä luodaan
Julkisivuduunarit ne Tallinnasta tuodaan
Hurahuhhahhei, mistä halvimmalla saadaan
Sillä niin me tehdään Helsingistä Shangri-La

English translation

When a welfare state is created in Helsinki
The façade workers are brought in from Tallinn
Hurahuhhahhei, where we get them the cheapest *1
Because that's how we make Helsinki into Shangri-La

Lets eradicate Bats and other parasites *2
Warehouses/magazines in flames in front of the Parliament House
Halleluijahhei, zero tolerance screaming
Security companies and FPS celebrate *3

A pennant of regression is waving above society
Creating a fearful atmosphere with security cameras
Hurahuhhahhei, custodial/patronizing authority
Throwing sticker gluers and squatters in jail

Why does everyone know Johanna "agriculture" Tukiainen/support *4
Like the homeless Romanian at The Three Smiths Statue
Halleluijahhei, on the bonfire of futility
It's 7Päivää, Idols and MTV *5

Teenyboppers got credit cards, huge amounts of debt *6
Forgotten is the deceased Veikko Hursti *7
Hurahuhhahhei, throw it out and buy a new one
Visa, quickie loan, collection letter, default of payment

And every spring the homeless are defrosted
Limping when they walk but can't get to rehab / can't catch a break *8
Halleluijahhei, Finland's policy on addictive substances
Benzos, Pervetin, Subutex and Sunday *9

Kurtze and Puonti, Pynnönen and Piippo *10
But then what comes to mind is Lahti, Hemohes and skiing *11
Hurahuhhahhei, hint man's bottle of whiskey
It's fake sale, a snitch and NBI *12

Our country's immigrant policy is backfiring (lit. "peeing on one's own ankle")
If Timo Soini's trauma guarantees a quick voting *13
Hurahuhhahhei, right wing populists
Halme, Halla-Aho, Jörg Haider, Ku Klux Klan *14

The ADHD institution's brain electric mail went crazy *15
When Pekka-Eric Auvinen bought his .22
Hurahuhhahhei, for Holmlund's shotguns
Matti slaughtered nearly a dozen in Kauhajoki *16

When a welfare state is created in Helsinki
The façade workers are brought in from Tallinn
Hurahuhhahhei, where we get them the cheapest
Because that's how we make Helsinki into Shangri-La


*1 "Hurahuhhahhei" doesn't mean anything, it's gibberish. Does give out a folk-y vibe, though.


*3 I presume by FPS he means a security company called FPS or Finnish Protection Service Oy, which doesn't exist anymore. Finnish rappers talk about them a lot in their lyrics, because FPS is best known for 1) putting a lot of resources into stopping and cleaning off graffities 2) a few notorious cases of using excessive force.

*4 Johanna Tukiainen is one of those people who's famous for being famous. Agriculture support is financial aid farmers can apply for.

*5 7Päivää ("7Days") is a trash magazine, full of gossip. Idols is obviously the Finnish version of British Idol / American Idol. MTV can mean Music Television or MTV3 (mainostelevisio, "commercial television", the first commercial television channel in Finland, 3rd channel overall, hence the name).

*6 The term "pissis" translates to "teenybopper" but they're slightly different. "Pissis" refers to a teen girl stereotype of the 2000s. Think Paris Hilton, pink, whaletale thongs, lowrise jeans, airhead blonde behavior, tons of makeup and hairspray, consumerism, cigarettes, cider and daddy's credit card.


*8 Katkokävely = intermittent claudication, a medical condition that causes pain in the legs. The Finnish name translates directly to "intermittent walking".
Katko = a rehab/break

*9 Pervetin was a commercial name for methamphetamine when it wasn't an illegal substance yet. Subutex is a commercial name for buprenorphine, an opioid.

*10 They're policemen from a drug police unit that was under investigation on drug related crimes. I don't know much about the case, but I think it's related to the Jari Aarnio case: 

*11 Hemohes is a brand name of hydroxyethyl starch, which is used in doping. Lahti is a town, a big organizer of skiing competitions, and there was an infamous doping scandal there in 2001.
*12 I just made up the term "fake sale", 'cause I couldn't find an English term for it. Valeosto is when an undercover cop buys something illegal from a criminal to bust them. It's the term they use in the law & court room, so the cop isn't in trouble for buying said illegal goods.
NBI = National Bureau of Investigation aka the Finnish police force.

*13 Timo Soini is a right wing politician, very much against immigration. Part of the Finns Party (see below).

I don't know anything about Jörg Haider, but Tony Halme and Jussi Halla-Aho are Finnish politicians of the Finns Party, a right-wing conservative party so extreme in it's anti-immigration views that I've often wondered how is that kind of racism even legal. And clearly Paleface agrees with me, putting their names next to the KKK.

*15 "Aivosähkö" = "brain electricity", the brain waves, EEG.
"Sähköposti" = "e-mail", electric mail.

*16 One of the most infamous school shooting case in Finland, the Jokela school shooting.
Anne Holmlund is a politician, who was criticized of not acting quickly enough to change gun laws, to prevent the next school shooting, the Kauhajoki school shooting.


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