Raptori - Tosi tarttuva täytebiisi 16 (A Very Catchy Filler Song 16)

Raptori is a Finnish hiphop trio. Most of their songs are humorous, some contain social critique. They did most of their career in the 90s, but do a comeback every ten years, doing a few songs and gigs before disappearing for a decade again. This song is from their comeback in 2010.
The group's name is a double:
- raptori means a raptor, the dinosaur
- rap tori would mean rap market square, like they're selling you rap

Music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnDnhZC0Tsg 
List of all the references in the music video: https://www.voice.fi/musiikki/a-28418

Lyrics might not be 100% correct, I got them from the music video, and the guy who uploaded it added the lyrics on the captions and they're not 100% correct, so... I corrected the ones I noticed, but there's a few words missing and I think at least one word probably wrong... 

Original Finnish lyrics

[Radio host:] Seuraavaksi jälleen kerran comebackiä tekevän Raptorin uutta tuotantoa.
[Guy, shouting over the song:] Voi perse! Nyt jumalauta tapa ne!

Tää on tosi tarttuva täytebiisi
Jos tää jää sun päähäsi soimaan
Ota yhteys lääkäriisi tai mee sairaalaan

Rakkaudesta kertoo joo vieläki biisi tää
Täs on romantiikkaa ja täs on tosielämää
Ainoo ongelmamme on tekee biisi täydellinen
Tämä ei ole meidän, varastimme sen
Toivottavasti jengi ei huomaa
Käytämme alkoholin ja savukoneen tuomaa
yllätysmomenttia, räppäämme pokkana
Rivityyppikin voisi olla kato porkkana!
Tällä kertaa tuottajammekin on levollinen
ja ehkä sekään ei huomaa ku se on turkulainen
mutta tanssilattialla epäilys alati kasvaa
tulee kyyneleitä, hikeä ja käsirasvaa
Ilta tää voi mennä pahasti pieleen
jos märmäänin kertsi tulee ysäriltä mieleen
Mediakohukin saattaa olla melkoinen
jos jäämme kiinni varkaudesta vuoksi rakkauden

Tää on tosi tarttuva täytebiisi
Jos tää jää sun päähäsi soimaan
Ota yhteys lääkäriisi tai mee sairaalaan
Tää on tosi tarttuva täytebiisi
Jos tää jää sun päähäsi soimaan
Ota yhteys lääkäriisi tai mee sairaalaan

Hittikauppa pateettinen poeettinen
Tanssilattialla tilanne kaoottinen
"Onko kertosäe tutun oloinen?"
Karkuun, jengi huomasi sen!
Koko Raptorin ryhmä hittilistalla
palkkatappajien tähtäinten alla
Bändi pakenee oven auki potkaisten
soihduilla huitoo joukko vihainen
Ois vissiin ollu parempi vaihtaa kertosäe uuteen
(Kyynelkaasua! Kylmälti tulta!)
Kopterin katolla, tule mukaan kulta
Lennetään pois, unohdetaan keikkatulot
Tule mukaan kulta, lennetään mummoni luo
Vaikka hän onkin jo kylmä lailla laikan
hän myöntää meille pakkasestaan turvapaikan

Tää on tosi tarttuva täytebiisi
Jos tää jää sun päähäsi soimaan
Ota yhteys lääkäriisi tai mee sairaalaan
Tää on tosi tarttuva täytebiisi
Jos tää jää sun päähäsi soimaan
Ota yhteys lääkäriisi tai mee sairaalaan

Elkka ykkönen kuittaa, Kaivo elossa
Elkka kakkonen kuittaa, Izmo tallessa
Elkka kolmonen kuittaa, laivapoikain kissa mukana
Raptori todistetusti paennut ja kaukana

Tää on tosi tarttuva täytebiisi
Jos tää jää sun päähäsi soimaan
Ota yhteys lääkäriisi tai mee sairaalaan
Tää on tosi tarttuva täytebiisi
Jos tää jää sun päähäsi soimaan
Ota yhteys lääkäriisi tai mee sairaalaan

[The priest:] "Maasta olet sinä tullut..." Voi hyvät pojat...

English translation

[Radio host:] And next we're playing new production from Raptori, who are making a comeback once again.
[Guy, shouting over the song:] Oh shit! Kill them now, god dammit!

This is a very catchy filler song
If this stays and playes in your head
Contact your doctor or go to the hospital

Yeah, this song is still about love
It's got romance and it's got real life
Our only problem is to make a perfect song
This ain't ours, we stole it *1
Hopefully people won't notice
We use a surprise element created by
Alcohol and a fog machine, rapping with a poker face
Your average Joe could be a carrot, you see! *2
This time even our producer is peaceful
And maybe he doesn't notice it either, 'cause he's from Turku *3
But on the dance floor the suspicion is growing and growing
There's tears, sweat and hand lotion
This night could go very wrong
If Märmääni's chorus from the 90s comes to mind *4
The media scandal might be quite something as well
If we are caught stealing for love

This is a very catchy filler song
If this stays and playes in your head
Contact your doctor or go to the hospital
This is a very catchy filler song
If this stays and playes in your head
Contact your doctor or go to the hospital

Hit sales pompous poetic
On the dance floor the situation chaotic
"Does this chorus seem familiar?"
Run, people noticed it!
Entire Raptori group on hit list *5
Under the viewfinders of hitmen
Band runs away, kicking open a door
An angry mob is swinging their torches
Apparently it would have been better to switch the chorus to a new one
(Tear gas! Fire cold!)
On the roof of a chopper, come with me dear
Lets fly away, lets forget gig revenue
Come with me dear, lets fly to my grandma
Even though she's cold already, like an abrasive disk (?)
She'll grant us refuge in her freezer *6

This is a very catchy filler song
If this stays and playes in your head
Contact your doctor or go to the hospital
This is a very catchy filler song
If this stays and playes in your head
Contact your doctor or go to the hospital

Elkka one out, Kaivo is alive
Elkka two out, Izmo is secure
Elkka three out, the sailor's cat is with me
Raptori has escaped and is far, confirmed

This is a very catchy filler song
If this stays and playes in your head
Contact your doctor or go to the hospital
This is a very catchy filler song
If this stays and playes in your head
Contact your doctor or go to the hospital

[The priest:] "For dust thou art..." Oh dear boys... *7


*1 Yes. The rap group Raptori aka JuFo III, Izmo and Kaivo "stole" the chorus from the EDM music group Allekirjoittanut aka JuFo III, Izmo and Tommi Lindell - also, I'm pretty sure Kaivo is featuring in the original song.

*2 "Tarkkana kuin porkkana", lit. "sharp like a carrot" is a common saying. Even an average Joe, who you wouldn't suspect to be smart enough to see through their lie, might just see through it, so they have to be extra careful.

*3 Implying he's dumb, because he's from Turku.

*4 Got no fucking idea who/what is Märmääni. But that's what the guy who made the captions for the music video had put in there, and I can't make out what he's saying in the song, so... Märmääni it is.

*5 A double. Their song is a hit, so they're on the hit list, VS. the mob is after them, so they're on the hitmen's hit list. In Finnish "hittilista" only means the 1st kind of a hit list, but the next bar makes it obvious to any Finn who speaks even a little bit of English that it has a double meaning.

*6 Reference to their biggest hit song, Oi Beibi, where he froze his grandma so he could go hook up with his girlfriend.

*7 The Bible verse, "For dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return". Very commonly read during a burial. He breaks down in tears in the middle of his sentence.


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