Käärijä - Klo23 (At 23)

We use the 24H clock here in Finland. 23 is 11pm. 10pm or 11pm is a very common time after which you have to be quiet if you live in an apartment building (until around 7-8am).

Finnish lyrics

Koko tupa piittaa

Tänään meikän yksiössä paukkuu kuplaviini
Meno märkä, pakkaa matkaa kumpparit ja juhlafiilis
Ei midii turhan iisii, vikat ruplat, punnat kiinni
Pidän auki mun oviini, kutsu messii tuttaviisi
Tanssilattialla väestö bailaa junkkabiittii,  meikä suuntaa rinkiin ku
Tiskijukka pumppaa hiittii
Ne moshaa tukkaa irti, ei naapureille tuu paniikki, koska sanoin et ollaa kello 23 turpa kiinni!

Whoa, koko tupa piittaa
Yhteentoist asti meil on lupa kittaa
Ei naapurin tarvii olla paniikissa
Ku kello 23 jengi vetää takit niskaa

Lisää tulta viirii, pistä volaa subbarii, nii
Saadaan lisää jengii daivaa sekaa, niinku submariini
Ei midii liinii, turhan fiinii punaviinii, vedän glögitiivistettä pillii, huljutan sen tuplaviskii
Aina cohiba suussa kiinni, ukolla pottatukka jiiris
Sisäpiiris, aiheutuu kateellisille tukkakriisii vaikka huutaa biitti, ei naapureille tuu paniikki koska sanoin et ollaa kello 23 turpa kiinni

Whoa, koko tupa pittaa
Yhteentoist asti meil on lupa kittaa
Ei naapurin tarvii olla paniikissa
Ku kello 23 jengi vetää takit niskaa
Whoa, koko tupa kittaa
Yhteentoist asti meil on lupa pittaa
Ei naapurin tarvii olla paniikissa
Ku kello 23 jengi vetää takit niskaa

Hei, pääseeks mukaa kittaa? (mitä, mitä)
Jos hyppäät mukaan pittaa
Ei naapurin tarvii olla paniikissa
Ku kello 23 jengi vetää takit niskaa

Hei ukko jeesaapa toverii, heitäppä tännepäi nuuskabiitti
Äläpä pulise palturii, kyllä mä huomasin et niitä sulla riitti
Ku cohiba hukku, liekki kiipee ruukkupuuta pitki
Jukkapalmu on tulessa, tulessa, soita palokunta, kiitti!
Naapurustos on se yks, joka suuttuu mun takiini
Mutta ei me lähetä enne yhtätoista sun takiisi
Hei, painutaa vittuun, ettei asukkaille tuu paniikki
Kello lyö nyt 23, kaikki pitää turvat kiinni!
Hei turpa kiinni, taksit on jo pihalla! (Yeeey!)

Whoa, koko tupa pittaa
Yhteentoist asti meil on lupa kittaa
Ei naapurin tarvii olla paniikissa
Ku kello 23 jengi vetää takit niskaa
Whoa, koko tupa kittaa
Yhteentoist asti meil on lupa pittaa
Ei naapurin tarvii olla paniikissa
Ku kello 23 jengi vetää takit niskaa

Hei, pääseeks mukaa kittaa? (mitä, mitä)
Jos hyppäät mukaan pittaa
Ei naapurin tarvii olla paniikissa
Ku kello 23 jengi vetää takit niskaa
Hei, pääseeks mukaa kittaa? (mitä, mitä)
Jos hyppäät mukaan pittaa
Ei naapurin tarvii olla paniikissa
Ku kello 23 jengi vetää takit niskaa

English translation

Whole room's moshing

Today in my studio bubbly wine is popping [*1]
It's wet, so pack your wellies and a party vibe
Nothin too easy, deposit last rubles, pounds
I'll keep my doors open, invite your acquintances
On the dance floor population's partying to jungle beat, I'm going in when
Disc jockey's pumping the heat
They mosh their hair off, neighbors won't panic, because I said that at 23 we'll shut the fuck up!

Whoa, whole room's moshing [*2]
Until eleven we're allowed to guzzle [*3]
The neighbor doesn't have to panic
Cuz at 23 posse will tug on their jackets

More fire in the pennant (?), put more volume in the sub, so [*4]
We get more people diving in, like a submarine
No lean, too fancy red wine, I suck concentrated glögg into a straw, rinse in a double whiskey [*5]
Always Cohiba in my mouth, dude's bowlcut on fleek [*6]
In the inner circle, causing hair crisis for the jealous
Even though the beat is shouting, neighbors won't panic
Because I said that at 23 we'll shut the fuck up!

Whoa, whole room's moshing
Until eleven we're allowed to guzzle 
The neighbor doesn't have to panic
Cuz at 23 posse will tug on their jackets
Whoa, the whole room's guzzling
Until eleven we're allowed to mosh
The neighbor doesn't have to panic
Cuz at 23 posse will tug on their jackets

Hey, can I come with, to guzzle? (what, what)
If you jump in the mosh pit
The neighbor doesn't have to panic
Cuz at 23 posse will tug on their jackets

Hey dude, help a buddy out, toss here a portion snus [*7]
Don't babble rubbish, I did notice you have plenty
My Cohiba was lost, the flame's climbing up a potted tree
Yucca cane is on fire, on fire, call the fire department, thanks!
There's that one in the neighborhood, who got upset because of me
But we won't leave before eleven because of you
Hey, lets fuck off, so the residents won't panic
It's 23 now, everyone shut the fuck up!
Hey, shut the fuck up, the taxis are already outside! (Yeeey!)

Whoa, whole room's moshing
Until eleven we're allowed to guzzle
The neighbor doesn't have to panic
Cuz at 23 posse will tug on their jackets
Whoa, the whole room's guzzling
Until eleven we're allowed to mosh
The neighbor doesn't have to panic
Cuz at 23 posse will tug on their jackets

Hey, can I come with, to guzzle? (what, what)
If you jump in the mosh pit
The neighbor doesn't have to panic
Cuz at 23 posse will tug on their jackets
Hey, can I come with, to guzzle? (what, what)
If you jump in the mosh pit
The neighbor doesn't have to panic
Cuz at 23 posse will tug on their jackets


*1 "yksiö" is a studio apartment = an apartment with only one room and a bathroom, kitchen can be separate or attached to the main room (entrance/bedroom/living room combo)

*2 "Tupa" is a certain kind of room, but in this case it's kind of a slang word and he's refering to the (only) room of his studio apartment... Which, now that I think about it, is technically a tupa (except that he doesn't have a separate bedroom)... Tupa or pirtti is this big room in the front of a countryside house, which is an open concept entryway, living room and dining room, sometimes also kitchen and guest room. Bathroom and bedrooms are in the back of the house. Typical features include a long table, multiple long benches and a huge masonry oven which heats up the entire house and can be used for cooking.

*3 The Finnish word "kitata" only refers to drinking huge amounts of drinks fast, where as the English word "guzzle" can also mean eating huge amounts of food or snacks.

*4 I have no idea what "tulta viiriin" = "fire in the pennant" means. It's probably a slang expression I'm not familiar with. If I ever figure it out, I'll come back here and explain it.

*5 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gl%C3%B6gg

*6 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cohiba_(cigarette)

*7 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snus


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