Jenni Vartiainen - Tunnoton (Numb)

Lyrics credits to Juhani Lappalainen

Original Finnish lyrics

Juhlan jälkeen tyhjä pää
Enkä voi käsittää
Etten eilen voinut elää
Ilman sinua

Tahdoit niin uskoa
Että olet mun ainoa
Mutta tunnoton oon
Mulle käy kuka vaan
Etkä pysty mua satuttamaan

Eilen uskoin, että saat
Mut hetkeksi loistamaan
Mutta toivoin, että aamu
Sinut veisi mukanaan

Tahdoin niin uskoa
Että olet mun ainoa
Mutta tunnoton oon
Mulle käy kuka vaan
Etkä pysty mua satuttamaan

Tahdoin niin uskoa
Että olet mun ainoa
Mutta tunnoton oon
Mulle käy kuka vaan
Etkä pysty mua satuttamaan

English translation

After the party my head is empty
And I can't fathom
That yesterday I couldn't live
Without you

You wanted to believe so much
That you're my only one
But I'm numb
For me, anyone will do
And you cannot hurt me

Yesterday I believed you could
Make me shine/glow for a moment *
But I wished for the morning
To take you with it

I wanted to believe so much
That you're my only one
But I'm numb
For me, anyone will do
And you cannot hurt me

I wanted to believe so much
That you're my only one
But I'm numb
For me, anyone will do
And you cannot hurt me

"Loistaa", in this context, can mean that the other person is making the narrator "shine" = the narrator is wonderful in others' eyes because of something, it's their time to shine as they say;
or it could mean that the other person is making the narrator "glow" = the other person is making them happy, the narrator glows because they're so happy, etc etc.


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