Memmy Posse - Vituttaa niin paljon ettei veri kierrä (So pissed I'm gritting my teeth)

Song title literally translates to "so pissed blood doesn't circulate". It's an expression that's on a fairly common use, and quite expressive, so I thought I'd replace it with another fairly common and descriptive English expression. And they describe the same kind of anger - slow and simmering, but the slightest thing can set you off.

Original Finnish lyrics

Vihaan ensiautoja, pakettiautoja, kuorma-autoja, rekka-autoja, traktoreita ja moottoripyöriä!
Kevytmoottoripyöriä, mopoj.. just! Erityisesti mopoja!
Ne on typeriä, pitää melua, ne on vanhanaikaisia!
Ne yrjöttää mua!

Liiallinen kiire, sitä Memmy ei siedä
Se vituttaa niin paljon ettei veri ees kierrä!
Joka paikkaan hoppu, stressil ei näy loppuu
Kylmii väreit, palaneit päreit, ei missään oo tolkkuu
Vaik aikaa ois kuin, huudetaan "Heti heti heti!"
Minkä takii persettä pitäis joka paikkaan repii
Lopeta idari ajois viel ku kilarit on rajois
Hoputa viel kerran näät ittes saleen kilon palois

Alkoholiverotus, sitä Memmy ei siedä
Se vituttaa niin paljon ettei veri ees kierrä
Siihen tuet ei riitä, selitä se mun maksalle
Oon altistunu Viron verovapaaraksalle
Minkä rahtaajat rahtaa, ja rahtaajat rahtaa
Mä vastas niitä vahtaa, verotonta viinaa jahtaan
Selkäreppuun pakkaan enkä tyydy bisseen pariin
Ku sikspäkin hinnal kantaa kolme lavaa Stadiin

Lippatukkii ja puuhelmii, niit Memmy ei siedä
Ne vituttaa niin paljon ettei veri ees kierrä
Myös beckskeest kuuluu tähän räkäsäbäkastiin
Seudun baareis ne tamppaa ristiin rastiin
Tekoturkis, nuuskapurkist pussi huules
Jos näit jäbii näkee toivottavat hirvees kuumees
Paskal puucees, hirvees puuttees
Vastatuules jossain hevon-vitun-kuuses

Jos viina bileist loppuu kesken, sitä Memmy ei siedä
Se vituttaa niin paljon ettei veri ees kierrä
Kieli pitkäl mieli tekee niellä, keitto ei saa loppuu
Vaan pöytien pitää sitä aina aamuun asti notkuu
Kello yli ysi ja mieli sysimusta
Kaupat boses, ryssät trokaa boletusta
Tän vitun tilanteen takii kansal kuivuu kitalaki
Vittuun kieltolait A'ight!

Lakisääteisii naisii, niit Memmy ei siedä
Ne vituttaa niin paljon ettei veri ees kierrä
Ruinaat ja ruinaat, koitat tehdä parhaas
Silitäs muijan reittä, kaikki sen omaks parhaaks
Kehut pinkkei huulii, kannat drinkkei ku muuli
No nyt tulee pesää Niinhän sä luulit!
Mut ei, se ei auta, ei ees sonaatti polvillaan
Ja muija heittää hyvästit keskisormillaan

Rehkiminen kesäl, sitä Memmy ei siedä
Se vituttaa niin paljon ettei veri ees kierrä
No ei Memmy duunii kiellä, mut ihmees sitä rajotan
Eli ylityöt ja urakat loskasateeseen ajota
Mikään ei niin hajota, ku hikoilu kesäheltees
Konttoril, raksal, toril, No se on aivan yhtä perseest!
Älä suvee rupee turhaan uhraa verottajalle
Revi kellokortti hajalle, veli vaihda vapaa-ajalle!

Talvi ja toppavaatteet, niit Memmy ei siedä
Ne vituttaa niin paljon ettei veri ees kierrä!
Kesäl voi ulos sammuu ja ihan rauhas relaa
Talvel ku samaa stedaa, ni saman tien delaa
Kesäl naiset rannal palaa, tsekkaa rusketusraitoi
Muijien daisoi, mulle aivan sama onks ne aitoi
Talvel ne on piilotettu vaatekerraston alle
Ainoo mikä lämmittää on Ratto, Urkki ja Kalle

Jatkuva valitus, sitä Memmy ei siedä
Se vituttaa niin paljon ettei veri ees kierrä
Kaikki sujuu hyvin mut sun kohallas ei juuri mikään
Millon risoo ulkonäkö tai et oo tyytyväinen ikääs
Tuska sisään, vaik oisit nielly sitruunoita
Pidä mölyt mahassas ja jatkossaki koita
Kelaa mitä sanot, mitä suustas ulos rykäset
Ei tarvii olla Mervi et tempasen Nykäset

English translation

I hate first cars, vans, trucks, semi-trailers, tractors and motorcycles!
Light motorcycles, mope-.. right! Especially mopeds!
They're dumb, they're noisy, they're old-fashioned!
They make me sick!

Too much of a hurry, Memmy cannot stand that
It makes me so pissed I'm gritting my teeth!
Have to hurry everywhere, can't see when the stress will end
Cold shivers, blowing fuses, nothing makes sense ("palaneit päreit" = lit. "burned splinters")
Even though there'd be plenty of time, shouting "Now now now!"
Why should one run their ass around in circles (lit. "rip your ass everywhere", the actual expression is "rip yourself up", to be everywhere at once, because you're so busy being in one place at any specific time ain't enough to accomplish everything)
Stop, you idiot, on time when you aren't yet in a fit of rage
Rush me one more time and you'll find yourself in pieces, one kilo each, for sure

Alcohol taxation, Memmy cannot stand that
It makes me so pissed I'm gritting my teeth!
Gov aid ain't enough for it, explain that to my liver
I've been exposed to Estonia's tax free construction site 
What freighters freight and freighters do freight
I'm facing them, watching over, I'm chasing tax free booze
I pack them in a backpack and I won't settle for a couple of beers
Cuz with a sixpack's price I can carry three pallets to Helsinki *1

Cap hairstyles and wooden beads, Memmy cannot stand those *2
It makes me so pissed I'm gritting my teeth!
Beckskeest (?) also belongs in this snot floorball caste/group
They stomp here and there in the region's bars
Fake fur, a portion snus from the pot under their lips *3
If I ever see these guys, I hope it's when they have a high fever
Shitting in an outhouse, with blue balls (lit. in big insuffiency)
In foul wind, somewhere in the middle of fucking nowhere

If a party runs out of booze, Memmy cannot stand that
It makes me so pissed I'm gritting my teeth!
Drooling over, wanting to swallow, can't run out of sauce (lit. "soup", both are a slang word for alcohol)
The tables have to be full of it until morning
It's over 9PM and my mind's deeply blue *4
Stores are scared, Russkie dealin boletus (?)
'Cause of this fuckin situation people's palate is dryin
Fuck prohibition laws A'ight! *5

Statutory women, Memmy cannot stand them
It makes me so pissed I'm gritting my teeth!
You beg and you beg, tryin to do your best
Petting the chick's thigh, all for what's best for her
Complimentin her pink lips, carryin drinks like a mule
Well, now I'll get some bush! Or so you thought!
But no, it doesn't help, not even a sonata on your knees
And the chick says her goodbyes with her middle fingers

Working hard during the summer, Memmy cannot stand that
It makes me so pissed I'm gritting my teeth!
Well, Memmy doesn't ban work, but by all means limits it
So overtime and arduous work should be timed when it's rainin slush
Nothing breaks a person like sweating in summer heat
In the office, contruction site, market place... Well it's all just as fucked up!
Don't start sacrificin your summer for the taxman in vain
Rip up your clock card, bro, switch to free time mode!

Winter and stuffed clothes, Memmy cannot stand those
It makes me so pissed I'm gritting my teeth!
In the summer you can pass out outside and relax in peace
Try the same in the winter and you die right away
In the summer women burn at the beach, check their tan lines
Chicks' twins, I don't care if they're real (=breasts; he used a slang word that rhymes with "aitoi"="real", I chose a slang word that kinda rhymes with "chicks")
In the winter they're hidden under layers of clothes
The only thing keepin you warm are Ratto, Urkki and Kalle (note: they're porn magazines)

Constantly complaining, Memmy cannot stand that
It makes me so pissed I'm gritting my teeth!
Everything's goin fine, but for you, nearly nothing
When you're vexed by looks or you're not pleased with your age
Agony inside, even though you would have swallowed lemons (?)
Keep calm and in the future try to also
Think what you say, what you cough out of your mouth
You don't have to be Mervi for me to pull a Matti Nykänen *6


*1 Alcohol is so much cheaper in Estonia compared to Finland that it's common for Finnish tourists to travel there via a ship, buy loads of alcohol and then come back during the same day; ~33% of Estonia's alcohol sales are to Finnish tourists;
also, although he says "lava"="pallet", I think he means a 24-pack... I could be wrong, though... a pallet is 90 × 24-pack, and each can is 0,33l and one person is allowed to bring 110l, so if my math is correct, he could technically bring in this much... his biggest problem would be transportation - I think he's exaggerating the amount to be funny)

*2"lippatukka" or "cap hairstyle" is one where the guy's hair has a lot of product in it and is shaped a bit like a cap - it was a trend among men when this song came out and people participating in the trend were thought to be shallow and snobbish

*3 Snus is a Swedish tobacco product. Portion snus is the most common form, at least here in Finland. It's used by placing a small bag of the substance between your lip and gum, inside the mouth, and then it's absorbed into the body that way. It slowly burns your mucosa and leaves deep holes, so many people who don't use snus consider it to be gross. When I think of a typical snus user, they're usually current or past vocational schoolers (an alternative to high school, where instead of general knowledge you study a profession, usually a type of manual labor, with low income, where as in high schoolers typically apply to universities after high schools and a higher education typically means a higher pay) or ice hockey players. But apparently 20 years ago, snus was a snob thing?

*4 It's a law in Finland that stores are only allowed to sell alcohol after 9AM, until 9PM. His mind is deeply blue, (lit. "pitch black"), because he can't buy any more alcohol tonight.

*5 Full prohibition was in effect from 1919 until 1932, not in the early 2000s when this song came out. He's exaggerating Finland's strict alcohol laws for comedic effect.

*6 Matti Nykänen was a Finnish ski jumper. He was regularly in the headlines for beating up his wife, Mervi.


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