Anssi Kela - Kaunotar ja basisti (The Beauty and the Bassist)

Notes about the title:
- Kaunotar ja hirviö = The Beauty and the Beast
- Kaunotar ja kulkuri = Lady and the Tramp
This can be a reference to either one.
But kaunotar means a beauty, so I made her the beauty instead of lady.

Original Finnish lyrics

Lapinrundi tammikuussa
kustaan suoraan bussin kardaaniin
ei oo varmaan helppoo olla nainen
kun tyhmyys tiivistyy
mutta hyvin se tän ottaa
se sanoo meitä kultapojikseen
mutta miten musta tuntuu että minulle
sen sanoo tosissaan

tää onko kaikki
kuvitelmaa vaan
taas luulenko liikaa
en ajatuksiltani rauhaa saa
kun kaiken aikaa mietin mielessäin
tunteeko hänkin myös näin?

muut humalaansa nukkuu
taas bussia saan ajaa läpi yön
hän pitää mulle seuraa
ja kertoo asioita itsestään
kuinka äiti laittoi välit poikki
kun tytär alkoi laulamaan
ja minä ajan vaikka haluaisin vaihtaa
nuo sanat suudelmaan

tää onko kaikki
kuvitelmaa vaan
taas luulenko liikaa
luulenko liikaa
en ajatuksiltani rauhaa saa
kun kaiken aikaa mietin mielessäin
tunteeko hänkin myös näin?

Lapin yössä
tankki alkaa olla

English translation

Touring Lapland in January
We pee straight into the universal joint of the bus *
It must not be easy to be a woman
When stupidity condeses **
But she's taking this well
She calls us her darling boys (lit. "golden boys")
But why do I feel like when she says it to me
She means it

Is this all
Only my imagination
Am I flattering myself again
I can't get peace from my thoughts
When all of the time, I wonder in my mind
Does she also feel this way?

Others are sleeping off their drunkenness
I get to drive the bus all night again
She keeps me company
And tells me things about herself
How her mom cut ties with her
When the daughter started singing
And I'm driving even though I'd like to change
All those words into a kiss

Is this all
Only my imagination
Am I flattering myself again
Flattering myself again
I can't get peace from my thoughts
When all of the time, I wonder in my mind
Does she also feel this way?

In January
In the night of Lapland
The tank is getting


* Some busses apparently have a hatch on the bottom for maintenance purposes (kardaani or the universal joint) and if you open it while you're on the road, you see the road. And so, if you open it, you can pee straight on the road, while the bus is moving.

** There's a saying in the Finnish language, "Joukossa tyhmyys tiivistyy", "Stupidity condenses in a crowd", and it's often used when a bunch of people (often boys/men) get fun but stupid ideas and actually go through with them, because there's no one there to tell them, like, that maybe they shouldn't 😂 Could also be jokes that a certain group jokes about because they think it's funny, but then fail to notice there's person or couple people among them who might not think those jokes are funny at all, like men's "locker room talk"/raunchy jokes in the presence of women.


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