Mariska - Mariskalaatio (Mariskalation)

Finnish lyrics

Hyvät hyssykätMe tultiin tyhjentää nyssykätJa Marsu on siihen pystyväJa miehii on jokapuolel tyrkylläKu Marsu raottaa rakkaudenpörröäPojat tanssii, paikat pysyy myskissäKoko klubi se baunssaa yhdessäMarsu taitaa olla jo pienessäMarsun enkelit koko ajan vieressä
Tää on Mariskalaatio, sensuellin sanailun maksimaatioMariskalaatio, vaimotoiminnan amputaatioAmputaatio, amputaatioTää on Mariskalaatio, vaimotoiminnan amputaatio
Kuin tatteja kerää, Marsu sun luota herääSä testasit perää, edetään rauhassaAutossa, sängyssä, saunassaAlkaa hiki olla pinnassaErotiikan tihkuu ilmassaAlkaa ote lipsuu pinnastaVoisitko hieroa mua rinnoistaÄlä välitä hinnastaTää kaikki on sulle ilmaistaSaat murista, hieraista, nuolaistaEi Marsun makuuhuonees oo hiljaista
Saanko mä haukkastaSaanko näykkii sun rauhastaSaanko runsaasti parruaSaanko nuolaista suurta suolaista
Tää on Mariskalaatio, sensuellin sanailun maksimaatioMariskalaatio, vaimotoiminnan amputaatioAmputaatio, amputaatioTää on Mariskalaatio, vaimotoiminnan amputaatio
Marsul aina kaikki pelissäMarsul aina ohjat käsissäMarsu miehiä lempimässäMarsul aina hihassa ässä
Marsul aina kaikki pelissäMarsul aina ohjat käsissäMarsu miehiä lempimässäMarsul aina hihassa ässäÄh puh PenttiTyönnä vielä sentti
Tää on Mariskalaatio, sensuellin sanailun maksimaatioMariskalaatio, vaimotoiminnan amputaatioTää on Mariskalaatio, sensuellin sanailun maksimaatioMariskalaatio, vaimotoiminnan amputaatio
Tää on Mariskalaatio, sensuellin sanailun maksimaatioMariskalaatio, vaimotoiminnan amputaatioAmputaatio, amputaatioTää on Mariskalaatio, vaimotoiminnan amputaatio

English lyrics

Goodness gracious
We came to empty our ballocks
And Marsu  (Mariska) is capable of that ('marsu' also means 'guineapig', which can in this case be a double for a furry bit on a woman's body, if you get what I mean)
And the men be plyin'
When Marsu cracks open the love furry/pussy
The boys dance, their regions keep a musk
The entire club bouncing together
 might be a little tipsy
Marsu's angels by her side all the time
This is Mariskalation, maximum of sensual wordplay
Mariskalation, the amputation of wife activity
Amputation, amputation
Mariskalation, the amputation of wife activity
Like collecting boletus (euphenism for penises), Marsu wakes up at your place
You tested the back door, lets take it easy
In the car, in the bed, in the sauna
Things are gettin sweaty
Drizzle of eroticism in the air
Starting to lose touch of the surface 
(figuratively; and literally 'surface' being the skin)
Would you caress my breasts, please
Don't worry about the price
All of this is free for you
You can growl, rub, lick
It's never quiet in Marsu's bedroom
May I bite
May I nibble on your gland
May I get plenty of wood
May I lick a big salty thing 
This is Mariskalation, maximum of sensual wordplay
Mariskalation, the amputation of wife activity
Amputation, amputation
Mariskalation, the amputation of wife activity
Marsu, always all in
Marsu, always has the control
Marsu, making love to men
Marsu, always a trick up her sleeve
Marsu, always all in
Marsu always has the control,
Marsu, making love to men
Marsu, always a trick up her sleeve
Ah ooh Bob
Push in another centimeter
(It's a reference to an old indecent/suggestive saying "Äh puh Pentti, työnnä vielä sentti, älä työnnä kahta, ettei synny lasta" = "Ah ooh Bob, push in another centimeter, don't push in two, so there won't be child", the centimeters referring to his penis.)
This is Mariskalation, maximum of sensual wordplay
Mariskalation, the amputation of wife activity
Amputation, amputation
Mariskalation, the amputation of wife activity
This is Mariskalation, maximum of sensual wordplay
Mariskalation, the amputation of wife activity
Amputation, amputation
Mariskalation, the amputation of wife activity

This is a cover song of Stig Dogg's song Stigidilaatio.
Link to the original song's translation: 
She performed it as a part of a Finnish tv show called Vain Elämää, where a bunch of artists spend a couple of weeks on a villa and cover each other's songs. 
Here's a YouTube video of her performance on the show: The original artist Stig Dogg is sitting at the end of the table. I translated his song introduction on the Stigidilation translation post, and here's a translation of the dialogue on the YouTube video:
Vesku (from the punk band Klamydia): That's awesome in the sense that you've had multiple different personalities taking turns and you've still managed to stay relevant and people remembering who you are. Basically, when you think about that [the song Stigidilaatio] and what you do now, the role change was kind of radical. 
Stig: Yeah, it was. It was so radical in fact, that I've sort of started my career twice. Not so long ago I still had Stig Dogg songs on my set list, and we still perform those if people REALLY want to hear them, but they rarely do anymore. The new music has such a different audience.
Herra Ylppö (a rock musician): This one is trying to run on the stage [referring to Mariska, who stood up]!
Stig: Good, thank you! It's lovely that you're going out there so I don't have to continue talking about myself! 
Mariska: I had this name belt made.
Stig: Woow. 
Someone: It's sick!
Mariska: But you can't really see it, 'cause it's yellow.
Stig: Yeah, it's so shiny... Nice swag.
-- Mariska performs the song --


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