Kapasiteettiyksikkö ft. Redrama - Kerro frendeilles (Tell Your Friends)

Kapasiteettiyksikkö - Kerro Frendeilles YouTube

Kapasiteettiyksikkö is one of the most influential Finnish hiphop groups ever. Their music is in Finnish. The members are Andu, Tasis and Uniikki. Redrama is a Swedish-speaking Finnish MC, and he mainly raps in English.

Swedish-speaking population of Finland - Wikipedia

 Ye-ye-yeah. Ooks sä ready, Redi? Always. C'mon, sit mennää. Yo, yo, yo...

Ye-ye-yeah. Are you ready, Redi (=Redrama)? Always. C'mon, let's go then. Yo, yo, yo...


Let em know we don`t play around

We gone steady flow when you hear the sound you know

Ready for any clone or clown

Tell em folks how it`s going down

Ja sä tiedät, tai jos et tiedä sä

And you know, or if you don't, you

otat selvää ja kerrot frendeilles

find it out and tell your friends

Ja sä siedät, tai jos et siedä sä

And you put up with it, or if you don't, you

otat selkään. Sä et mulle pelleile

get beat. You won't mess around with me

Katurunoilijoiden kruunaamaton kunkku

 The uncrowned king of the street poets

on nykyää levy-yhtiö pomo, eli siis mulkku

 is now a record company boss, so (he's) a dick

Mut edellee yhtä striitti ku hyvännäkönen,

 But still as street as good-looking,

ja katteet on kunnos vaik en oo myynneiltäni hääppönen

 and funds are alright even tho my sales ain't much

"Katteet" also means the roofing of a house - he's saying he looks good, he's in good condition, physically.

Syy miks jengi Kapasiteettii digaa

 The reason why people dig Kapasiteetti

on siks ku meitsit on ku steissin saniteetti tilat

 is 'cause we're like the sanitary facilies of the station

yo, ja ne on dirrtey. Joten myönnä häviös

 yo, and they're dirty. So admit your loss

Jengi lämpee must enemmän ku susta su lähiös

 People warmin' up more to me than to you in the "hood".

(I've talked about this before - Finland doesn't have "hoods", in the American sense of the word, but we have "lähiöt" or "commuter towns". Rough concrete block apartment buildings away from the city centre and any rich neighborhoods. Commuter towns are the Finnish equivalent of hoods, that's why the early Finnish rappers related to American hiphop lyricism. They felt this music was talking about the kind of life they were experiencing, with the rough neighborhoods, drugs, violence, trouble with the police, feeling like the politicians forgot/didn't care that they existed.)

Oon kuulemma itserakas, mitennii?

 They say I'm conceited, howcome?

Kohautan olkapäit ja suutelen itteeni

 I shrug and kiss myself

Oon vaan mediaseksikäs tavis

 I'm just a media-sexy average Joe

("Media-sexy" refers to a person that's attractive, trendy or appealing in a way that grabs media attention. It has very little to do with being physically attractive, it's more about being a "hot topic".)

jol on kaikki cool mut mikäs sul on Tasis?

who's got all the cool (stuff), but how about you, Tasis? 

Näät mut kadul linkkaamas, mut se ei johdu onnettomuudest

You see me limping on the street, but it ain't 'cause of an accident 

Vaan mul painaa raha taskus..Hassuu.. Kuuletsä?

It's just my pockets bein' heavy from all the money.. Funny.. You hear me?

Ja tuijotat mua ku mun vaatteet on sust outoi

And you stare at me 'cause you think my clothes are weird 

Se johtuu varmaan siit et ne on 2000-luvult, homeboy

It's probably because they're from the 2000s, homeboy 

Eikä silt ajalt ku Pekka ja Pätkä nähtiin yhessä

And not from the time Pekka and Pätkä were seen together

(Pekka and Pätkä - Wikipedia

Ei sillonkaa ku on throwbäkki kyseessä

Not even when it's a throwback 

Mitchell & Ness –pelipaita ja mätsäävä lätsä

Mitchell & Ness shirt and a matching cap 

Ja sanot et oot peril, vaikka ethän sä kässää

And you say you're informed, but you don't really get it 

”Toi on itsekästä. Kelaa ittees” Selvä:

"That's selfish. Think about yourself" Alright: 

Tytöt sanoo et mul on kokoo.. Puhuuks ne tästä vai... tästä.

Girls say I got size.. Are they talkin about this or... this. 

Farkuist isot mallit, et ne on sit suuret

A big pattern on the jeans, so they're big

Etsä tajuu et isot pallit vaatii isot kuteet…

(Huh? Tajuutsä? Isot?)

Don't you get that big balls require big clothes...

(Huh? Got it? Big ones?) 

Let em know we don`t play around

We gone steady flow when you hear the sound you know

Ready for any clone or clown

Tell em folks how it`s going down

Ja sä tiedät, tai jos et tiedä sä

And you know, or if you don't, you

otat selvää ja kerrot frendeilles

find it out and tell your friends

Ja sä siedät, tai jos et siedä sä

And you put up with it, or if you don't, you

otat selkään. Sä et mulle pelleile

get beat. You won't mess around with me

Ihan sama mitä digaat, mut anna mun olla

I don't care if you dig, but let me be 

En mitään vihaa, puskeen puhtaal omatunnolla

Nah, I don't hate, I push with pure conscience 

ja kun vedän överiks, ni vedän kunnolla

and when I go over the top, I do it properly 

Haluun överibeiben överirungolla

I want an over the top baby with an over the top frame

Mun tarkotus on olla kukkona tunkiolla

I mean to be the big fish in the small pond

(Lit. "to be the rooster in the dung heap") 

jos oot täys nolla, sun on iisi tippuu

if you're a total zero, it's easy for you to drop 

Se on uus peli, kuulet sen ku biitti tippuu

It's a new game, you hear it when the beat drops 

ja meil on muskeli, ainoastaan riisit tippuu

and we have the muscle, only rice will drop

(Rice, crumbs, small insignificant things.) 

Edelleen kledet jotka saa poliisit kimppuun

Still the clothes that get the police to go after you 

mut poliisit vittuun, et tuu näkee valkost lippuu

But fuck the police, you won't see a white flag 

Pikkujäbä beibe silti hurmaan sut

I'm a small dude, baby, but I'll still charm you

(Uniikki is only 162cm or 5'3''.) 

Korvat auki ku tää toinen pikkujäbä burnaa sut

Ears open while this other small dude'll burn you 

We shot calling. You better stop stalling and get with it

Red spitting that next shit and you know you best listen

The RR and AA Whatever MC`s say

(RR could be Rähinä Records, or it could be something else. Or a double.  Rähinä Records - Wikipedia)

They know the trouble a start today

It ain't hard to say who got the biggest cohones

I can hardly say that I consider y`all opponents

Talking that bullshit and acting like you flawless

When in fact you smaller than my Motorola phone bitch!

Oh, now you peeping how dealing with them clones

Yo, we as real as can be while y`all a just pose

You best move on, we too strong

I be that dude that broke yo girl`s futon

Let em know we don`t play around

We gone steady flow when you hear the sound you know

Ready for any clone or clown

Tell em folks how it`s going down

Ja sä tiedät, tai jos et tiedä sä

And you know, or if you don't, you

otat selvää ja kerrot frendeilles

find it out and tell your friends

Ja sä siedät, tai jos et siedä sä

And you put up with it, or if you don't, you

otat selkään. Sä et mulle pelleile

get beat. You won't mess around with me

Ootsä messis? Are you with us? 

Are you with us? Are you with us? 

Ootsä messis? Are you with us? 

Are you with us? Are you with us? 

Sä oot messis. We will fuck your shit up

You're with us. We will fuck your shit up

Let em know we don`t play around

We gone steady flow when you hear the sound you know

Ready for any clone or clown

Tell em folks how it`s going down

Haluutsä jotai muuta, hä?

You want somethin else, or? 




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