Kapasiteettiyksikkö - Usko parempaan (Believe In Something Better)
The song title doesn't actually have the word "something", but that's what it means. Finnish and English languages just work differently.
Music video: Kapasiteettiyksikkö - Usko Parempaan. This song's from 2004, it was just uploaded to YouTube much later.
Kävelen auringonpaisteessa silmät kiin
I walk in the sunshine with my eyes closed
Pääsen hetkeks rankkasateesta
I get out for a moment of the pouring rain
Joka iskee vasten mun kasvoja
Hitting me across the face
Vaik lasken katseeni en pääse tuskast pois
Even when I lower my gaze I can't escape the agony
Kuljen kiskan ohi ja katon päivän lööpit
I walk past a kiosk and check the day's tabloid headlines
Poris nähtii kuolinsyy voi oikeesti olla rööki
In Pori they saw that the cause of death might actually be a cig
Pori is a city in Finland. Pori - Wikipedia
Mut yleensä ne kirjottaa roskaa minkä kerkii
But usually they write trash as fast as they can
Kuka laittaa kenet sairaalaan Matti vai Mervi
Who sends whom to the hospital, Matti or Mervi
Matti Nykänen was a Finnish ski jumper, an athlete. Him and his wife Mervi had a very turbulent relationship, they fought a lot. Them literally beating the other so badly they need to be taken to the hospital is not an exaggeration.
On niin paljon mitä mä en ymmärrä
There's so much I don't understand
”Ai joku tappo taas perheensä, aijjaa”
"Oh, someone killed their family again, oh okay."
Mut mä oon ymmällään
But I'm confused
Miks jotkut halveksuu tummaihosii
Why do some people despise people with dark skin
Mut kumminki on kesät talvet auringos ja haluis olla tummempii
While they themselves spend summers and winters in the sun, wanting to be darker
No ei se oo vihreempää sen aidan toisel puolel
Well, it's not greener on the other side of the fence
Silt voi näyttää kauempaa mut Suomel on pienet huolet
It may look like that from afar but Finland's troubles are small
Lekurit huolehtii et usein vanhuuteen kuolee
Docs take care that people often die of old age
Mä luotan et jos tää sade ei lopu tänää se loppuu huomen
I trust that if this rain won't stop today, it'll stop tomorrow
Et saa mua kaatuun
You can't make me fall
kestän lyönnit vaik ne sattuu (jes)
I can take the hits even though they hurt (yeah)
mä uskon parempaan
I believe in something better
ja siks laulan mun laulua
And that's why I sing my song
Oon hereil kaupungissa jossa isoveli valvoo
I'm awake in a city where the big brother is watching us
Seuraan sun jokaista liikettä niinku varjo
I follow your every move like a shadow
(ha-loo) Pidä puoles ja (va-roo) viidakko ottaa paljon enemmän ku tarjoo
(he-llo) Stand up for yourself and (watch out) the jungle takes a lot more than it offers
Nuori veri vetää varoihin kun nurtsi haisee talvel
Young blood is drawn to money/trouble when the grass smells in winter
Ja kesäl voi vetää slalomii
And in the summer I can do the slalom
Slalom Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Hätähuutoi kaanonist ei mikää hiljennä tääl
Cries of help from the canon nothing slows/quiets down here
Not "canon" as in the certain kind of gun, that'd be "kanuuna". This is "kaanon", like "canon" in the "collection of stories" sense.
Mut hoitopaikkaa et saa metrost kirveelläkään
But you can't get care from a subway even if your life depended on it
I don't know what he means, but:
- hoitopaikka is any kind of place that takes care of a person, such as a daycare center for kids or a care facility for the disabled or the elderly
- he's saying it's impossible to get a place in the care
- subway as in the underground train kind of vehicle, not the sandwich
- lit. "even with an axe", but it's an idiom, a saying, and means that something is impossible to do
Mä otan silmän käteen ja tsiigaan tätä pihaa
I take a closer look at this yard
Lit. "I take my eye into my hand and look at this yard", another idiom.
Nään liikaa likaa ja liikaa vihaa
I see too much dirt and too much hate
Joka lähiössä jonka oon nähny on liikaa draamaa
In every hood I've seen there's too much drama
Et usko miten helppo tääl on päätyy diilaa kamaa
You won't believe how easy it is here to end up dealing stuff
"Stuff" as in drugs, both words mean the same in the official and the slang sense.
Täs betonivankilas ei voi olla liian vapaa
In this concrete prison there's no such thing as being too free
Täs viila ota se vaik se fiilaa - come on
Here's a file, take it even tho it feels it - come on
File, like the tool that people in movies use to saw through prison bars. I'm not sure what he means by "it feels it", though.
Jengi kiilaa takaa helppo hukkuu täs tungokses
People cutting off from behind, easy to drown in this crowd
Annat kaikkes mut kukaan ei tee mitään vuokses
You give your all but no one does anything for you
Siks tarvii muutoksen ja vallankumouksen
That's why we need a change and a revolution
Ja uskon et joku kuulee mun rukouksen
And I believe someone will hear my prayer
Enkä välitä vaik musabisnes ois pieles
And I don't care even if the music business is awry
Mist mä välitän, on noi ihmiset mun vieres
What I care about are these people next to me
Et saa mua kaatuun
You can't make me fall
kestän lyönnit vaik ne sattuu (jes)
I can take the hits even though they hurt (yeah)
mä uskon parempaan
I believe in something better
ja siks laulan mun laulua
And that's why I sing my song
Mitään ei tapahdu itsestään
Nothing happens on it's own
Näytä se jos oot saanu tarpeeks vitseistä
Show it if you've had enough of jokes
Ei enää muiden takan seistä
Lets not stand behind others anymore
Vallankumous lähtee meistä itsestä!
Revolution starts from us!
Et saa mua kaatuun
You can't make me fall
kestän lyönnit vaik ne sattuu (jes)
I can take the hits even though they hurt (yeah)
mä uskon parempaan
I believe in something better
ja siks laulan mun laulua
And that's why I sing my song
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