Juice Leskinen - Heavydiggarin vuorisaarna (A Heavy Digger's Sermon on the Mount)

 Digger as in a fan of something, in this case heavy metal music.
Sermon on the Mount as in Sermon on the Mount - Wikipedia.

Juice Leskinen - Heavydiggarin Vuorisaarna

The song uses the R-word for a disabled person and the N-word for a black person and I feel uncomfortable using them, so I "bleeped" them out as "v*mmane/r*tard" & "n**keri/n*gger".

"Ja hän kiipesi vuorelle julistamaan sanomaansa.

 "And he climbed on the mount to declare his message.

Ja hän levitti kätensä näin sanoen..."

And he extended his arms thus, saying..."

Lapset kun paahtavat jykevää heviä,

When kids power through robust heavy metal,

lit. "roast", but not as in make fun of, but as in "roast through", which means about the same as "power through", "push forward", "go full throttle", "charge ahead", etc. 

äitien ilmeet on hämmästeleviä

mothers' looks are astonished 

Pyydämme jotakin, vastaus on kieltävä,

We ask for something, the answer is prohibitive, 

meidänkö on teidän paskanne nieltävä?

and we got to take your shit?

lit. "swallow your shit" 

Nyrkillä poistamme viisaudenhammasta,

With a fist we remove a wisdom tooth, 

nuotioon tönäämme kakstoista v*mmasta

 push twelve r*tards into the bonfire

Kusemme solistin hopeahuiluun,

We piss in the soloist's silver flute, 

mummoja potkimme hissikuiluun

kick grandmas into an elevator shaft 

Me rakastamme, me kaipaamme toimintaa

We love, we need action 

vaan eihän täällä mitään tehdä saa

but we're not allowed to do anything in here 

Koulu on meille vain symboli rutosta,

School, for us, is just a symbol of the plague, 

todistuksessamme on kolme kutosta

we have three sixes in our report card

The Finnish school uses a grading system where 10 is the best grade you can get and 4 is a failing grade. Seven is an average. Their grades are below average, not good.
The number of the beast, 666. 

Vaan eipä kannata sen vuoksi sysiä,

But there's no point to keep pushing it 

väärinpäin kutoset on kolme ysiä

upside down the sixes are three nines 

Hölmöä muka, jos seisomme assalla,

They say it's silly, if we stand around at the station, 

naurettavampaa on työttömyyskassalla

more ridiculous would be to stand in line for unemployment funds 

Tylsää on luukulta luukulle samoilla,

It's boring to hike from one service point to the next, 

elämän kanssa ei kannata mamoilla!

one shouldn't wimp out with life! 


Me rakastamme, me kaipaamme toimintaa

 We love, we need action 

vaan eihän täällä mitään tehdä saa

 but we're not allowed to do anything in here 

Niille jos sanomme: "Elämä on tollasta",

If we say to them: "That's life", 

eno ja isukki tippuvat jollasta

uncle and daddy will drop off the dinghy 

Mutkina suorat, kurvat ne suorina,

Straight ones curved, curved ones / hookers straight,

tärkeintä on, että kuolemme nuorina

the most important thing is that we die young 

Arasti koittelen tyttöni rantua,

Bashfully I try my girl's stripe

("Stripe"/ "line" = her private parts. If the labia majora is "closed", the vagina looks like a pink stripe.)

saisipa jonakin päivänä pantua

I wish I could fuck some day 

Ei ole vampyyriainesta murkussa,

There's no vampire potential in the teen, 

valtion hampaat on kaikkien kurkussa!

the teeth of the government are on everyone's throats! 

Meitä vain ohjaa rakkaus elämään

We are only guided by love for life 

Kuolema tulee, jos elämä kielletään

Death will come if life is denied 

(Te epäuskoiset, te etsitte Saatanan viestiä,

(You heretics, you're looking for a message from Satan, 

mutta minä olen Sundqvist..!)

but I am Sundqvist!)

In the audio, this sentence is played backwards. You know, like those old conspiracy theories that say metal music has hidden messages from Satan that brainwash the kids to become devil worshippers, and the real message can only be heard if you play the song backwards? Well, this song has a "hidden" message from the producer Mika Sundqvist.

N**keri se on vain pikkusen tummempi,

A n*gger is only a little bit darker, 

ei hakaristi oo ristiä kummempi

the swastika is not any weirder than the cross 

Diggaamme ainakin Jeesuksen hapsia,

At least we dig Jesus' hair, 

säälimme onttoja opetuslapsia

feel sorry for the hollow disciples 

Perkele, vittu, helvetti, saatana,

Shit, fuck, hell, goddamn

Not a direct translation. Some of the strongest swear words in the Finnish language. Perkele and Saatana literally mean the Devil, vittu means a vagina (but is used very similarly to "fuck", so that's actually a good translation), and Helvetti means Hell, which is also a swear word, so I translated that directly. 

mitähän mahdamme sanoa taatana?

wonderin what we're sayin gosh darn it?

Nyt enää pyytele emme, vaan otamme,

Now we won't ask anymore, but we just take, 

fraasilla teidän me voitamme sotamme!

with your phrase we win our war! 

Meitä vain ohjaa rakkaus elämään

We are only guided by love for life  

Kuolema tulee, jos elämä kielletään

Death will come if life is denied  


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