Sanni - Lelu (Toy)


Finnish lyrics:
Sä tekstaat mulle kun oot kännissä
Kello on kolme mut makaan hereillä
Tahdot tulla käymään taas yökylässä
Pidetäänhän tää neljän seinän sisässä
Poimi mut nyt, mä oon kypsä
Jos haluut leikkii mun kaa
Tule tänne niin leikitään
Ota kaikki mitä saat
Se ei pelaa joka pelkää
Tuun alaoven avaamaan
Kaadat mut rappukäytävään
Lattia ei satu mua
Mä oon oon oon
Mä, mä oon lelu
Äiti kehotti "Itsees arvosta"
Nyt mä oon halpa alennuskorissa
Katse kylmänä otat kiinni lanteista
Opitko tuonkin aikuisten leffoista?
Oot peluri, mä oon valmentaja
Jos haluut leikkii mun kaa
Tule tänne niin leikitään
Ota kaikki mitä saat
Se ei pelaa joka pelkää
Tuun alaoven avaamaan
Kaada mut rappukäytävään
Lattia ei satu mua
Mä oon oon oon
Mä, mä oon lelu
Joo, yöksi jää, ihan sama jos huomenna väsyttää
Ei, en mä ketään muuta haluu nurkkiin pyörimään
En pelkää pimeää, mut ihan vähän ehkä pelkään
Että herätään, eikä nähdä enää
Jos haluut leikkii mun kaa
Tule tänne niin leikitään
Ota kaikki mitä saat
Se ei pelaa joka pelkää
Tuun alaoven avaamaan
Kaada mut rappukäytävään
Lattia ei satu mua
Mä oon oon oon
Mä, mä oon lelu

English lyrics:
You text me when you're drunk It's 3am but I lay awake
I want to come over, sleepover again Lets keep this inside these four walls *
Pick me now, I'm done
If you want to play with me Come here, lets play Take everything you can Cowards don't play * I come and open the downstairs door * You knock me over in the hallway
The floor doesn't hurt me
I am am am A toy A toy T-O-Y I, I am a toy A toy
Mom encouraged "appreciate yourself" Now I'm cheap, in the sale rack
Eyes cold, you grab my hips Did you learn that from adult films, too?
You're a player, I'm a coach
If you want to play with me
Come here, lets play
Take everything you can
Cowards don't play
I come and open the downstairs door
You knock me over in the hallway
The floor doesn't hurt me
I am am am
A toy
A toy
I, I am a toy
A toy
Yeah, stay over, I don't care if I'm tired tomorrow No, I don't anyone else to hang around I'm not afraid of the dark, but I'm a maybe a little bit afraid that we wake up and won't see each other anymore
If you want to play with me
Come here, lets play
Take everything you can
Cowards don't play
I come and open the downstairs door
You knock me over in the hallway
The floor doesn't hurt me
I am am am
A toy
A toy
I, I am a toy
A toy Notes: Lets keep this inside these four walls * -a saying =lets keep this here, lets not tell anyone, this is our secret
Cowards don't play * -a saying -I translated the literal meaning to make it more clear -literally "se ei pelaa joka pelkää" = the one who's afraid does not play/gamble -it's a dare, she's challenging the man - "will you do this or are you a coward"
I come and open the downstairs door * -of an apartment building, not a house -and then they have sex in the hallway / stairway room instead of her apartment - because their sexual tension / need to do this for whatever reason is so intense they can't wait It's a sexual relationship of some sort between two people and she wants to have a relationship with him, but feels like she's just an object, a toy, for him, to play with when it pleases him. But also, he's a player, so he doesn't want to commit and has several other women like her. She says she's "the coach", so she's saying she's the same as him, only better at it - she's playing him, too. But she also wants to get serious with him.


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