Sanni - Jos mä oon oikee (If I am real)

1. Link to a YouTube video containing the song.
2. Finnish lyrics
3. Translated English lyrics (sorry they don't rhyme!)
4. If there's a * at the end of a sentence, that means there's an explanation of some sort at the end, along with general notes, if I want to make some.
These "rules" will apply to any translations from now on.
Sorry it's been a while. Sorry in advantage if I disappear again.

Official music video:

Finnish lyrics (from
Oon vuokralla
mun kehossa
Asunnon maksan ruokapalkalla
Maali rapisee, seinät lohkeilee
Kuka korjaa?
Kun kadulla kysytään multa
"Mikä vuosi?" - mä en oo varma
Kysykää niiltä jotka tietävät
mistä tulevat
Jos mä oon oikee,
miks kadulla mun läpi kävellään?
Jos oon oikee,
miksen muista omaa nimeänikään?
Kai mä hengitän?
Juttelen, vaikken tunne sanoja
Mun äidinkieli kuin heprea
Herään illalla, nukahdan aamulla
Elän valveunessa
Mä olen yksin, vaik metro täynnä on ihmisii
Ne katsoo läpi, vaik tartun niiden käsistä kii
Ei oo olemassa kummituksii...
Eiks nii?
Jos mä oon oikee,
miks kadulla mun läpi kävellään?
Jos oon oikee,
miksen muista omaa nimeänikään?
Kai mä hengitän?
Jos mä oon oikee,
miksei peili heijasta mua enää?
Jos oon oikee,
miksen muista omaa nimeänikään?
Kai mä hengitän?
Rautatieasema maanantaina, ruuhkaisa
Kaikilla tuntuu olevan kiire ja suunta
Mä oon ulkopuolella, vaik seison sisällä
Jos oon jo kotona, miten voi olla koti-ikävä?
Mitä tarkoittaa, jos ei tarinaan kuulu?
Jos puhaltaa ikkunaan, mut se ei ees huurru?
Onko tää kaupunki täynnä elävii kuolleita
vai katselenko kuvaa rajan toiselta puolelta?
Jos mä oon oikee,
miks kadulla mun läpi kävellään?
Jos oon oikee,
miksen muista omaa nimeänikään?
Kai mä hengitän?
Jos mä oon oikee,
miksei peili heijasta mua enää?
Jos oon oikee,
miksen muista omaa nimeänikään?
Kai mä hengitän?
Hee e ee ee eei

English lyrics:
I'm renting my body I pay it with a food salary *
The paint is peeling off, walls are cracking Who's going to fix it?
When someone on the street asks me "What year is it?" - I'm not sure
Ask those who know where they come from If I am real why do people walk through me on the street? If I'm real why can't I remember my own name? I'm breathing, right? Yeah I talk, even though I don't know the words My mother tongue is like Greek to me * I wake up in the evening, I fall asleep in the morning I live in hypnagogia * I'm alone, even though the subway is full of people They look through me, even when I take their hand Ghosts don't exist... Right? If I am real
why do people walk through me on the street?
If I'm real
why can't I remember my own name?
I'm breathing, right?
Yeah If I am real why doesn't the mirror show my reflection anymore?
If I'm real
why can't I remember my own name?
I'm breathing, right?
Train station on Monday, overcrowded Everyone seems to be in a hurry and have a direction I'm an outsider, even though I'm standing inside If I'm already home, how can I be homesick? What does it mean, if one isn't part of the story? * If one blows to a window, but there's no steam? * If this town full of living dead or am I watching this from the other side? * If I am real
why do people walk through me on the street?
If I'm real
why can't I remember my own name?
I'm breathing, right?
If I am real
why doesn't the mirror show my reflection anymore?
If I'm real
why can't I remember my own name?
I'm breathing, right?
Hee e ee ee eey __________________________________________________________________________
I pay it with a food salary * -the Finnish word "ruokapalkka" doesn't have a direct translation in English -it means a salary/wage that is 100% paid as food -it's not common anymore, but it used to be -in this case, it's figurative - she's referring to her own body as something she's rented and pays with food = by eating, to keep the body alive My mother tongue is like Greek to me * -it's a saying -literally "kuin hepreaa" = "like Hebrew" -as a saying, the English one is "it's all Greek to me", which I tried to make this look like -it means something you don't understand - no matter the language I live in hypnagogia * -it's a medical term: -Finnish people don't probably know what it means, either, but it contains two words everyone knows - valve and uni (valve=state of being awake; uni=sleep) - so a Finnish person would have some idea what it could mean, unlike an English person What does it mean, if one isn't part of the story? *
If one blows to a window, but there's no steam? * -Finnish language has a passive voice, different from the English one -it is used by leaving the agent ( out completely and using the third person inflected form of the verb - therefore we have no idea who is being referred to -she's probably talking about herself when she refers to this "one", but she used a passive agent, so I tried to do that as well... sorry if there's a better way to do it
If this town full of living dead
or am I watching this from the other side? * -"from the other side" in this case means that she's suspecting she's dead, she has passed on to the other side The song's meaning: In a Finnish reality tv show called Vain Elämää, Sanni told that the song is about feeling invisible to society and the people around you. Everyone wants to feel valid and heard. But instead, many people are alienated, socially excluded and marginalized from society - they don't study, they don't work, they're not close to their family, they don't have money to have hobbies to meet anyone and make friends, so they just sit home, alone (or with a baby, as a single parent) and feel - invisible. Like they don't exist. This is especially a problem with many young adults (19-35) here in Finland and it's a very important topic that is talked about a lot. Jos mä oon oikee was Sanni's second single ever, released from her first album Sotke mut ("Mess me up") in 2013. She had just turned 20 when it was released.


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