Antti Tuisku: En kommentoi (No comments)

En kommentoi
En kommentoi
En kommentoi
En kommentoi
En kommentoi
En kommentoi
En kommentoi
En kommentoi
En kommentoi
En kommentoi
En kommentoi
Tosi-tv, en kommentoi
Psykoterapia, en kommentoi
Juhannus, en kommentoi
Ooppera, en kommentoi
Orgasmi, en kommentoi
Hemohes, en kommentoi
Siniristi, en kommentoi
Ikea, en kommentoi
Hipsteri, en kommentoi
Poliisi, en kommentoi
Perisynti, en kommentoi
Koraani, en kommentoi
Big Mac, Jeesus, armeija, hyvä kaveri
En kommentoi
Laihduta! Ootko sä raskaana? Homo, hetero?
En kommentoi
Meitsie teitsie vessassa saletisti
En kommentoi
Kato tota mimmii nurkassa, panisitko?
Täytyy olla mielipide, ei saa olla passiivinen
Meitsie teitsie vessassa saletisti
En kommentoi
Kato tota mimmii nurkassa, panisitko?
En kommentoi
Ehkäisy, en kommentoi
Esileikki, en kommentoi
Evoluutio, en kommentoi
Timo Soini, en kommentoi
Siltsu bitch, en kommentoi
Super food, en kommentoi
Mannerheim, en kommentoi
Big Mac, jeesus, armeija, hyvä kaveri
En kommentoi
Laihduta! Ootko sä raskaana? Homo, hetero?
En kommentoi
Meitsie teitsie vessassa saletisti
En kommentoi
Kato tota mimmii nurkassa, panisitko?
Täytyy olla mielipide, ei saa olla passiivinen
Meitsie teitsie vessassa saletisti
En kommentoi
Kato tota mimmii nurkassa, panisitko?
En kommentoi
Täytyy olla mielipide, ei saa olla passiivinen
Täytyy olla mielipide, ei saa olla passiivinen
En kommentoi
Big Mac, Jeesus, armeija, hyvä kaveri
En kommentoi
Laihduta! Ootko sä raskaana? Homo, hetero
 En kommentoi
Meitsie teitsie vessassa saletisti
En kommentoi
Kato tota mimmii nurkassa, panisitko?
Täytyy olla mielipide, ei saa olla passiivinen
Meitsie teitsie vessassa saletisti
En kommentoi
Kato tota mimmii nurkassa, panisitko?
En kommentoi

[English translation:]
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No comments
No comments
No comments
No comments
No comments
No comments
No comments
No comments
No comments
No comments
Reality tv, no comments
Psycho therapy, no comments
Midsummer*, no comments
Opera, no comments
Orgasm, no comments
Hespan*, no comments
Blue cross*, no comments
Ikea, no comments
Hipster, no comments
Police, no comments
Original sin, no comments
Quran, no comments
Big Mac, Jesus, the army, a good friend
No comments
Lose weight! Are you pregnant? Gay, straight?
No comments
Selfie yoursie* in the bathroom for sure
No comments
Look at that gal in the corner, would you fuck her?
You have to have an opinion, you can’t be passive
Selfie yoursie* in the bathroom for sure
No comments
Look at that gal in the corner, would you fuck her?
No comments
Birth control, no comments
Foreplay, no comments
Evolution, no comments
Timo Soini*, no comments
Siltsu bitch*, no comments
Super food, no comments
Mannerheim*, no comments
Big Mac, Jesus, the army, a good friend
No comments
Lose weight! Are you pregnant? Gay, straight?
No comments
Selfie yoursie* in the bathroom for sure
No comments
Look at that gal in the corner, would you fuck her?
You have to have an opinion, you can’t be passive
Selfie yoursie* in the bathroom for sure
No comments
Look at that gal in the corner, would you fuck her?
No comments
You have to have an opinion, you can’t be passive
You have to have an opinion, you can’t be passive
(Finnish Finnish Finnish)
No comments
Big Mac, Jesus, the army, a good friend
No comments
Lose weight! Are you pregnant? Gay, straight?
No comments
Selfie yoursie* in the bathroom for sure
No comments
Look at that gal in the corner, would you fuck her?
You have to have an opinion, you can’t be passive
Selfie yoursie* in the bathroom for sure
No comments
Look at that gal in the corner, would you fuck her?
No comments

*Midsummer (juhannus) = Midsummer is a Finnish holiday celebrated at the end of June. It is celebrated with a lot of alcohol, which sometimes results in behaviour which the person later on regrets, hence why he doesn’t want to comment on his Midsummer.
*Hespan (Hemohes) = a substance used as doping in sport
*Blue cross (siniristi) = The Finnish flag, white surface with a blue cross. Patriotism and that sort of things are what he doesn’t want to comment.
*Yoursie (teitsie) = Finnish media tried to translate the word ’selfie’ into ’meitsie’, which is also used in this song. Most people prefer the word ’selfie’. ’Teitsie’ isn’t a real word that people use, but it’s obvious to a Finnish speaker, that it means someone else takes a picture of you, it’s wordplay. So I tried to play with English language like the artist has played with Finnish language.
*Espoo = A city in Finland.
*Timo Soini = A politician. He is really conservative, to Finnish standards anyway.
*Siltsu bitch = A Swedish-Finnish singer Jari Sillanpää. He’s gay.
*Mannerheim = Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, a Finnish military leader during Finnish Civil War and World War II. He was also the President of Finland in 1944-1946.


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