51 Koodia: Kahleet (Shackles)

Finnish lyrics, then English lyrics after them :)

Ei, en tahdo tulla kotiin

En voi, vaikka tahtoisin
Oon yksin mieluummin, kuin palaan sinne helvettiin
Vain ajatuksissani pääsen irroittautumaan
Ilman sitä vapautta tuhoisit mut kokonaan

[Kertosäe (chorus)]:
Kuka sinä olet minulle kertomaan
Mitä saisin tehdä ja mitä en?
Kahleesi kuristaa
Kuka minä olen sinulle vastaamaan
Kun oma elämäs on pelkkää harhaa?
Valheesi satuttaa
Sun on pakko irroittaa

Ei, en puhu kellekään
Paitsi ehkä itselleni
Koska tahdon ymmärtää
Miks vain tahdot selittää, että kaikki on taas hyvin
Vaikka kuulen äänestäs, ettet tajuu vieläkään?
Et vieläkään

[Kertosäe (chorus) x2]

Kuka sinä olet minulle kertomaan
Mitä saisin tehdä ja mitä en?
Kahleesi kuristaa
Kuka minä olen sinulle vastaamaan
Kun oma elämäs on pelkkää harhaa?
Valheesi satuttaa
Sun on pakko... Pakko irroittaa

No, I don't want to come home
I couldn't even if I wanted to
I'd rather be alone, than return to that hell
Only in my thoughts I can break away
Without that freedom you'd destroy me completely

Who are you to tell me
What I can do and what I cannot?
Your shackles strangle me
Who am I to answer you
When your own life is a delusion?
Your lies hurt me
You have to let go

No, I won't speak to anyone
Well, maybe to myself
Because I want to understand
Why do you reassure me, that it's all okay again
Even though I can hear from your voice that you still don't get it
You still don't

[Chorus (2x)]

Who are you to tell me
What I can do and what I cannot?
Your shackles strangle me
Who am I to answer you
When your own life is a delusion?
Your lies hurt me
You have to... have to let go

The song's name can also be translated as Fetters (?), since that seems to mean figurative shackles instead of concrete ones, and that's what the song is talking about. In Finnish it doesn't matter which word I use, "kahleet" can mean concrete shackles or figurative ones. I didn't use it because it's a new word for me, so I'm not 100% sure if I'd be using it correctly. This song was also the theme song of a 2005 drama movie Koti-ikävä ("Homesick"), where a teenage boy is sent to a mental institution because he jumped off a balcony (broke his arm) and stopped talking completely. The music video can be found on YouTube and it has clips from the movie.


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